The Governing Body - their own worst enemy!

by cedars 64 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • raymond frantz
    raymond frantz

    I couldn't agree more with Cedars ,I made this video in like mind few days ago

  • 00DAD

    RF: interesting vid. BTW you spelled "suicide" wrong at the end. You might wanna' fix it!

  • panhandlegirl

    Cedars, great article, thanks for your analysis of all these events. I was particularly struck by your comment about them "linking themselves to the First Century apostolic model, even though apostolic succession is not a biblical concept but, essentially a catholic one. They have become the papacy they spent decades mocking, and many of the more switched-on and cynical Witnessess will never forgive them for it." Does the GD actually realize what they have done, or are they so deluded about this affimation on their part that it's implications have escaped them. I think the answer to this question is answered by your next statement:

    "I know many of you think the Governing Body members are cynical and are treating this as one big game, but the more I listen to their talks and observe their actions, the more I feel that, for the most part, they are serious. They have bought their own publicity, and are acting accordingly."

    I hope their delusions of grandeur become their undoing.


  • frankiespeakin


    I agree the GB are thier own worst enemy. They are totally delusional killers just like Hitler.

    The thing is really this, prediction/failed prediction has a limited life, the GB should be at least congradulated for how long they have lived this delusion and the lengths they have gone to perpetuate it. All must come to an end someday especially with todays instant access information age,, they surely will become most insignificant in a short time(less than a generation).

    The more they repress into thier psyche's shadow the more erractic they will become just like Hitler who refused to listen to his generals and saught more yes men as his councilers and in the end lost his life, and all he fought for.

  • nuthouse escapee
    nuthouse escapee

    Thank you Cedars for the excellent analysis of the GB's most recent gaffe. I agree that they are their own worst enemies. I think they have forgotten that pride comes before a crash! As the saying goes " give them enough rope and they will hang themselves ". This recent change looks like a panic-induced decision to desperately hang onto control. Perhaps they will implode afterall. Leslie

  • Emery

    I agree whole-heartedly cedars. They will be hung by their own words found in their publications/doctrines and many will see, it's only a matter of time. At least the intellectually curious will read through the garbage and be free in the coming months, but sadly, humans feel the need for religion and the WTS provides instant friends and an instant network to benefit from. I don't see them ever going away.

  • Tylinbrando

    I wonder when we will start to see a marked decline in their membership due to fading, disassosciations, disfellowshippings, and lack of new converts? A mass exodus would certainly stir the pot.

    For every elder and family that leave on the premise of disillusionment(apostacy they will call it) its seems a handful of other congregation members follow suit while still others become totally inactive or simply start the fading process.

    When a high control organization puts so much stock in the teachings and following of men, it really is no wonder many R&F follow the lead of the older men they have looked up to right out of the Organization.

    I have had many Elders tell me one of their worst fears is losing their zeal and possibly their faith in the Organization(because that is really what it boils down to) and in so doing , negatively affecting the congregation and leading others to leave or slow down.

  • Sauerkraut

    @raymond frantz: It's crazy, I was listening to/watching that exact video last night.


    Good morning cedars..

    Your observations are spot on..Unfortunately it doesn`t matter..

    The WBT$ could put Slot Machines in the back of Kingdom Halls and..

    Opium Dens in the Basement..

    The Majority of JW`s..

    Would shrug it off,just like they do with every WBT$ decision..

    ............................ ...OUTLAW

  • cedars

    Thanks OUTLAW. I know what you're saying. My father-in-law (as I mentioned) is the same. Many consider the Governing Body to be the FDS already.

    However, don't underestimate the number of JWs out there who know their doctrine and already have doubts. Hearing this "new light" might just be enough to tip a good number over the edge and stimulate them into doing research on websites like It may not be millions, but hundreds? Even thousands? Quite possibly. I can see this causing a big dent, put it that way. We'll only know by keeping an eye on the figures over the next two or three years. One thing's for sure, if people do leave because of this - it will be the Governing Body's own doing.


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