Captain America and The Avengers!

by Cold Steel 19 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • BlindersOff1

    "Jehovah hates violence."

    But emotional abuse is encouraged.


    Why should our children read such scum when the FDS GB has lovingly provided an abundance of nourishing spiritual food like the Bible Stories Book*?

    *The Bible Stories Book is a synopsis of the Bible Story series.

  • Rattigan350

    A sister told me that Captain America was bad because it promotes nationalism and Americaism.

  • Heaven

    A sister told me that Captain America was bad because it promotes nationalism and Americaism.

    Chris Evans is ripped! The 2nd 'Captain America' movie blew the 'Noah' movie outta the water (uh, no pun intended... maybe ).

  • Apognophos

    This was a really good question, it clearly shows the disconnect in what JWs "believe" and what they do. The Governing Body would definitely not approve of people seeing these movies, and yet I haven't heard anything negative about them from any JWs and I'm sure a good few have seen them. It's a sort of "don't ask, don't tell" situation, or more accurately, "ask carefully, and only tell the ones who you know are not too uptight".

  • Trapped in JW land
    Trapped in JW land

    Just saw the new Captain America movie. Loved it!


    A great response is, " I don't recommend movies." You can also say, " I don't know and I have no opinion." You can also say, " Noah was awesome! Waaayyy better that the "factual" account."


  • Simon

    I think the WTS knows better than to outright oppose incredibly popular movies such as this - they know they will lose out if the try and force people to chose between it and them.

    They are usually careful to always pick non-issue issues to get heated up about.

  • Vidiot

    Simon - "I think the WTS knows better than to outright oppose incredibly popular movies such as this - they know they will lose out if the try and force people to chose between it and them..."


    That being said, I'm pretty sure they'd be tickled pink if the R&F quit watching movies and TV altogether.


    They like to make "straw man" movies and have illustrations of these in the WT tractazine. Then the "spiritual" reader will make the connection that the GB are hoping for.

    Now that I think of it, I don't know many "spiritual" JWs. The "Don't ask, don't tell" policy seems to be the norm. Most dubs are smart enough to keep it on the down low.

    TIP: Create a NETFLIX account and watch whatever you want. Delete as needed. 😊


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