A cautionary tale... the extremely beautiful sister and the worldly guy at the office

by cedars 42 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • TheOldHippie

    The VampireA fool there was and he made his prayer
    (Even as you and I!)
    To a rag and a bone and a hank of hair
    (We called her the woman who did not care)
    But the fool he called her his lady fair
    (Even as you and I!)

  • nancy drew
    nancy drew

    i really hate that affected cadence that they put in their voice when they give those creepy talks. What a sick man making up that fantasy scenario it was nauseating.

  • biblecheck

    This is so friggin' lame...they are using the same old crap over and over...I remember hearing examples like this in the 70's.

    "We have a beautiful sister in the congregation - now this is a made up story..." OMG since when has anything delivered from the platform not originated from a made up story?!

    I remember silently praying to God, when I came to the horrifying realisation it wasn't The Truth, I was very specific in my prayer and asking for guidance...I got it - it was to get out of the Watchtower!

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