A cautionary tale... the extremely beautiful sister and the worldly guy at the office

by cedars 42 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • betterdaze

    Jesus engages a "worldly" Samaritan "down on the job":

    Gimme me a drink, then make me a sammich, woman!

    Parasitic Bethelite Brother Herd should be reminded that he wouldn't have a pot to pee in or a window to throw it out of,
    if it weren't for the generous donations of Witnesses like Sister Hottie who actually earn a living and pay taxes, too.

  • frankiespeakin

    If this is just an imaginary experience then why say she was extremely beautiful why not just say a single sister instead? Maybe his shadow is peeking out? or perhaps he didn't want to say it was real experience.

    My new formula:If the GB or watchtower says it is a real experience it is the opposite.

  • darth frosty
    darth frosty

    He basicaly just spelled out the laws of attraction.

  • Glander

    frankies point is well taken.

    He could have made his point by simple saying "a young single sister". Why did he feel it was required to describe her physical beauty, including her figure?

    kind of weird...

  • Tater-T


  • frankiespeakin

    I wonder if Herd's (double post)

  • frankiespeakin

    I wonder if Herd's...imaginary extremely beautiful sister,, that has it all in the right places is a regular fetish that he dreams about? Freudian slip?

    In his imagination this sister probably gets a spanking every now and then,, with Herd's superego playing the role of jehovah the hearer of prayers.

    Probably this imaginary sky daddy wants some of the action, and no worldy men as competitors only the deserving faithful.

  • JeffT

    I was struck by how she pushed away all the guys in the congregation that were trying to get her attention. All I could think about is the poor office nice guy who's running the risk of ending up with a hot, stuck up, psycho JW nutjob.

  • cedars

    I'm glad I'm not the only one who thinks Herd MUST have been "projecting" some of his fantasies in this story.

    Way too much unnecessary detail about how beautiful the sister is.


  • TheOldHippie

    "a hank of hair and a piece of bone" ...that is what he thought of women"

    Actually, it was Kipling who said that, and Rutherford was merely quoting him .....................

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