Dating tips for men- Requesting input

by keyser soze 32 Replies latest jw friends

  • sir82

    Whatever you do, never comment on her new clothing, new shoes, new hairstyle, etc.

    This shows her that you are focused are far more important matters and such trivialities don't even blip onto your radar.

  • Theocratic Sedition
  • Satanus

    Be sure to use a few expletives. It's show her that you've been around and know your way around in the world.


  • thinking_not_believing

    Definitely ask how many men before you shes slept with... This shows that you only make well-informed decisions.

  • karter

    Tell her you are dateing lots of other women this will make her try harder to get another date.


  • james_woods

    In my limited experience, I always found the latest version of the Corvette helpful.

    Most southwestern women that I knew back then did not appreciate the Porsche.

  • Magwitch

    When eating dinner make sure you tell her about your health concerns, especially anything to do with bowel problems. Finish up by telling her the names of the two anti-depressants you are on (and do not forget to tell about the little blue pill you need to take)

    It is also a good idea to let her know about the anger-management class you go to.

  • Theocratic Sedition
    Theocratic Sedition
    In my limited experience, I always found the latest version of the Corvette helpful.
    Most southwestern women that I knew back then did not appreciate the Porsche.

    There's a Hip Hop song I like with a verse that goes as follows.......

    Good riddance, to any chick who don't get it

    She didn't speak, must have thought the Porsche was a Civic

  • james_woods
    She didn't speak, must have thought the Porsche was a Civic

    They did not have Civics back in my Porsche dating days.

    The cowgirls of Oklahoma thought it was some kind of fancy Corvair.

  • Satanus

    Women get turned on by dirty jokes. Make sure to tell one evey few minutes.


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