Dating tips for men- Requesting input

by keyser soze 32 Replies latest jw friends

  • Theocratic Sedition
    Theocratic Sedition

    Be sure to honor her with dignifying titles illustrating your appreciation for her, such as, old lady or, woman. For ethnic men, garden tools and canine phrases are always welcomed as appreciative ways to address the opposite sex.

  • keyser soze
    keyser soze
    If you can work it up, do phart and belch loudly and often.

    That one's in my follow-up pamphlet: Dating tips for women

  • oldlightnewshite


    Don't shower for 3 days in advance, and go jogging before the date. Everyone KNOWS that ballsweat is full of chick-wrenching pheromones. be careful with this though, you may end up beating off other interested women.

  • tiki

    grizzly facial hair is good too - a real turn-on. shows the man appreciates nature.

  • Witness My Fury
    Witness My Fury

    If you can feel a real good ripper coming on at any point during your 1st date then be sure to give it full gusto lift a leg and and let it rip, 9 out of 10 girls dig that.

  • EndofMysteries

    baltar - I literally 'lol' at that one

  • Nambo

    I find that Women are genuine and humble people who dislike prostituting themselves to a shallow quest for materialism, they want to Love a man for his personality and his good nature.

    So, even if you are extremely wealthy, maybe you are a Surgeon or own a multi-national company, best to tell them you work at McDonalds or deliver Pizzas on a Moped.

  • MrFreeze

    Make sure to tell her you own 20 cats. Women love guys who are kind to animals. What is kinder than housing 20 cats?

  • ammo

    Annnd don't forget chicks love a good movie, so get some popcorn, a classy box of chocolate's or maybe some edible undies-she'll love that cos there fat free, and take her by the hand over to your 200 plus porn collection and tell her to pick one, any one will do, she'll not only be marvelling at your generous nature, she will appreciate your thoughtfulness in letting her pick the movie.

    Its also good to kill the lights straight away, that give's her a good reason to want to snuggle up, because woman are so very shy and sometime's need an excuse to initiate touch, or you could always grab her hand and plop it right in the middle of your lap-chick's love this!!!! ask one next time your at macdonalds in a line up !!

  • MC RubberMallet
    MC RubberMallet

    Leave the bathroom door open and go pee sitting down. That's subtly showing her you "understand how nasty men are".

    Make her feel like her opinion on decisions matter. She doesn't care what you do anyway, she just likes a good listener.

    Wear turtleneck sweaters and excitedly ask if she read that new book... She will know you can relate.

    Women like men confident in their manhood. Show her how confident you are by pinching some dudes' cheeks. His other cheeks.

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