Jwfacts-- Why So Many Contradictions?

by Recovery 88 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • mrsjones5

    Talk about opening a can of worms...

  • Recovery

    You showed us one example. Now wheres the rest of them.

  • jookbeard

    I go with GB members Greenleas and Chitty , active predatory homosexuals for decades, pre GB , Board of Directors, Greenleas subject of his depravity is posted on this very forum, both died in good standing in the UK and Canadian Bethel's after removal from the GB. My own former cong has an elders son Micheal Porter who serves in good standing now in the Wimbledon Congregation London UK, google will show The Guardian newspaper covering his court trials.

  • jgnat

    One example is not enough?

  • Recovery

    Proof please, not allegations and Bethel tales. Since ratherbeinhades is going to drag every discussion Im in off topic, can he please start a different thread.

  • jookbeard

    they are not Bethel tales you fucking dickhead. Greenleas and Chitty's removal from the GB was printed in a Yearbook FFS.

  • mrsjones5

    Doesn't matter Recovery is not going to believe any of it...yet.

    Sad thing Recovery will call the ones on this board who have personally gone through the horror of sexual molestation, be it themselves or their children, liars. It's that simple. That's a heart of stone for ya.

  • Recovery

    Ratherbeinhades is stating that there are many many cases of such abuse going on by the elders. I would like to see this long list of proof he has. But in a different thread please.

  • jgnat

    "how he cannot rightly call his website jwFACTS"

    I don't see any great contradiction in the red highlighting you offered up. If jwFACTS properly cites its sources, it is factual, is it not?

  • Recovery

    It is disgusting to call GB members or anyone a child molestor especially without proof. Your disdain for JWs is going too far. I will not be addressing any more statements not related to the original subject anymore.

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