Collective consciousness

by DATA-DOG 20 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • botchtowersociety

    That's a fascinating observation, Cofty.


    The mind is weird..screw it, I am going to watch Vanilla Sky followed by Blade Runner, and Care Bears the Movie....

  • frankiespeakin


    Jung calculated from his test that the unconscious sense of smell is 50x more sensitive that the conscious sense of smell. So I think unconsciously we are way faster that consciously. Ego consciousness kinda slows things down and have a very limited processing ability so thank your unconsciousness for the catch.

    Benjamin Libet consciouness experiments:

  • frankiespeakin


    It could be the psychic program of an "I" that makes us feel seperate from the outside world. A tangled hierarchy of known/knower.

  • EndofMysteries

    That happens a lot to me. Sometimes it almost feels like either I know it or my mind influenced it. Years ago when still at meetings I was visiting a hall and someone mentioned it was the first night for this brother on the sound. I am standing behind him like 10 feet and he started the song and everything is fine. He shouldn't have done anything else until it was over. I had a very strong feeling suddenly he was going to touch a button and stop it or mess it up. He suddenly seems somewhat confused and moves his fingers almost pointing at several buttons then hits one which stops the song and then shakes himself and has to restart it. It was very odd and it makes no sense.

    A few months ago was with some people walking along the water. The same thing happened and one person in particular I felt or envisioned them just walking backwards and off the dock into the water, then suddenly it happens.

    These can't be coincidence, because of the feeling which happens right before and every time. It's a rare occurance but I have no idea if I just sense it before it happens or what.

  • Band on the Run
    Band on the Run

    I think you need a break from reading too much Jung. When I read a lot of Jung, I all of a sudden start having Jungian dreams, notice synchronicity, and see support for belifs. I prefer to take him with a grain of salt. For certain, I enjoy reading his ideas. Most people with religious backgrounds or who are highly spiritual find a kindred spirit in Jung. So many priests who do therapy are Jungian.

    Have you read The Problem of Job by Jung? I read it decades ago when I suffered to an extraorindary degree. Recent posts concerning Jung hear encouraged me to pull it off my shelf and read it. There was no Internet when I first read it. I am shocked at how many phrases I looked up and wrote in the margins. I can reference almost everything now with the Internet. My old comments are surprisingly quite good. I was prepared to just read angry remarks about suffering.

    My experience was so limited that I thought something was bizarre with me for thinking my thoughts. Jung was someone I already respected. His take on Job was much stronger than mine. Job showed that humans were more moral than their God.

    I don't know about collective unconscious. My rational mind tends to reject it but I like reading about the concept. Unlike my Witness self, I no longer have to agree with someone or smash them into the ground. Basically, I read to be informed and the ultimate answer does not matter.

    Syncrhonous things never happen in my real life. Let me read Jung on more than passing basis, and voila!-they happen.

  • Satanus

    Stuff like this, i tell people thay can accept it as a possibility, or reject it. If it is, then it is. If it isn't there, then some of us have a too active imagination, i suppose. Either way, it doesn't change our lives, much.


  • frankiespeakin

    O and this thing called consciousness is hard to understand or explain:


    Syncrhonous things never happen in my real life. Let me read Jung on more than passing basis, and voila!-they happen.

    That's one of my questions about our minds. Do we MAKE things happen? You focus your mind on a subject long enough and perhaps YOU begin to make it happen. It's like imitating people, I do this a lot. I don't sing myself, I don't even know what my voice is ( think about that one therapists ) but I can imitate other singers. It's like acting or channeling, if that is the right term. I don't mean that in a spiritistic way. For instance, I went through a Bruce Lee phase as a kid, I ate, slept and breathed it, I dreamed about techniques, dreamed about working out and would wake up punching drenched in sweat. I could move like him, talk like him, kick and punch like him. I BELIEVED I could do it, where others believe he was gifted and that's why he could do those things and they could not. ( Actually he admitted that he was not particularly gifted ) The point is, I became what I focused on. When I let go of my self-consciousness I was able to crazy stuff! Is that what our mind can do when we let it? What if we all focused on changing this world. Not going D2D giving out magazines, but really helping each other?

  • Bobcat

    There were several posts on quantum entanglement on this thread that you might find interesting.

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