Collective consciousness

by DATA-DOG 20 Replies latest watchtower beliefs


    Does anyone one besides myself believe in a collective consciousness? By that I mean there is really only ONE MIND in the Universe. So allthough we are each individuals we are actually of one mind. This allows us to communicate in some as of yet, unexplained way, even across great distances with another person whom you have only met through the internet. Have you ever met someone who seems to be on the same wave-length so to speak? Have you ever known in some unexplained way thet someone was going to call you and picked up the phone BEFORE it rang? Thats the kind of thing I am wondering about. Let me give an example of something that happened to me. While working with another person one day, who is sometimes unsafe, something strange happened. I was standing behind them, just observing, I was very calm, and I KNEW they were going to break the tool they were using. I also KNEW it was going to hit me in the eye and blind me. That was the EXACT thought that came to mind. The wierd part is that about 1/4 of a second BEFORE the tool broke I put my hand out, the tool broke, came straight for my eye, and I caught it. I was still calm at this point and just looked at the other person like " I told you so.." Except I never said a word. They looked at me like I just caught a bullet from a gun. I just shrugged my shoulders and said, " The Force?! ". So how powerful is the human mind? Did my subconscious mind calculate all the probabilities and take over? Did a collective unconsciousness warn me because I was tuned in? Do I believe in those things because I have experienced them, or do I experience them because I believe? Think of this, at one time all humans thought it was " scientifically " impossible to fly. Then someone, somewhere, said well...maybe it's not. Pretty soon it became a reality. Now it is common place. When enough of us " sync " what can we accomplish? Peace? No more boundaries? No predjudice? No organized religion? Are we perhaps moving toward a paradigm shift on our planet? Something that is snowballing beyond the control of religions or governments? I don't mean doomsday, well maybe for those who want to stop it for thier own selfish reasons, money, power, control over others. Just curious. I know it's a little out there for some, but something is happening..does anyone else think about these things? Or...I just need serious counseling and meds...and shock treatments...

  • cofty

    I think you are just reading too much into simple coincidences.

  • still thinking
    still thinking

    Or...I just need serious counseling and meds...and shock treatments..., but speaking as someone that has had 'serious counseling' I do recommend it if you feel you do need it for any reason...

    I agree with cofty


    Well if was just one instance, or just me that seems to experience these things i would readily agree. I am not dismissing the possibility of millions of people having some sort of imbalance either, have you been to Wal-Mart lately? So you don't personally belive in Zen-like moments or being in the " zone " or the " No-mind " state of awareness? It's cool if you don't, I am just throwing it out there anyway. I don't see fairys in my garden photos or anything, but I do believe there is more going on with humanity than religions or main-stream science can account for. My therapy and meds comment was self-depricating humor. Coming here is great therapy for anyone! Also, there is nothing wrong with meds either! Maybe I watch FRINGE too much...

  • botchtowersociety

    With one breath, with one flow
    You will know

    A sleep trance, a dream dance
    A shaped romance

    A connecting principle
    Linked to the invisible
    Almost imperceptible
    Something inexpressible
    Science insusceptible
    Logic so inflexible
    Causally connectable
    Yet nothing is invincible

    If we share this nightmare
    Then we can dream
    Spiritus mundi

    If you act as you think
    The missing link

    We know you, they know me

    A star fall, a phone call
    It joins all

    It's so deep, it's so wide
    You're inside

    Effect without cause
    Sub-atomic laws, scientific pause
  • Satanus

    It's not a new idea. Famed psychologist carl jung called it the collective unconscious. I call it the collective subconscious. It's not as wild or wierd as it at first sounds. Nor, is it magical. A person who learns meditation and uses it in certain ways can sometimes observe the negotiations that go on subconsciously.

    The idea is that we are all a part of it. However, we block our consciousness of it w our minds and our egos, and beliefs, which are mind constructs, and therefore a part of the mind. Simply put, meditation can allow a person to step out of the mind/ego for a bit.

    The story goes that it extends to all humans, then out to the animals, all life, and ultimately to our source.

    Being aware to this extent doesn't necesarily guarentee peace. The powers of the ego and mind always come back, to be dealt w again. Secondly, a person can still follow the ego/mind path, if they decide to. A person might even use it to exploit others, going to the dark side, so speak. A psychotic person could do that. Charlie manson might be one of those. He was into meditation.


  • Satanus

    As well, high powered, slick salespeople, like lawyers and financial 'wizards' come to mind. The dark side money manipulators have been sucking the life out of the world economy for a few yrs, now. Many of them are champions of manipulating others.


  • botchtowersociety
  • botchtowersociety
  • cofty

    Even the impression of being outside of one's own mind originates in the mind.

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