Moment of silence for Oompa

by andys 39 Replies latest jw friends

  • Phizzy

    I do not appreciate Nathan Natas' comments above as being appropriate in any way on this thread.

    Hold what opinions you like my friend, but do not treat unkindly with a savage tongue those who are grieving.

    There is some wisdom to be found in the Bible, such as "there is a time to be silent", please be silent N.N, if you cannot be compassionate.

    I am an unbeliever too, but I wept when I heard the news, and I shall gain some comfort by lighting my candle too.

    R.I.P Eric, I have lost a friend.

  • cedars

    Nathan, if anyone is being irrational here, it is you.

    You are blitzing no less than 3 threads with comments that seem designed to offend, intimidate, deride and criticize those whose ways of remembering Eric differ from your own. This is deeply disrespectful. Surely if your JW experience has taught you anything it is that if someone's outlook or beliefs differ from yours you should leave them to it. The way you are trying to impose your own views on others, on this of all occasions, is deeply inappropriate and frankly insulting to Oompa's memory.

    Get a grip man.


  • TimeBandit

    I think we just found a winner for the biggest jackass on the entire forum prize.... His name is Nathan. Pull your head out of your ass buddy. You are just a trouble maker. What you have been saying is totally inapproriate and disrespectful. You ought to be ashamed.


  • Simon

    [FYI: Nathan Natas's comments removed]

  • Deceived

    For some reason my post was blank from yesterday.

    I posted it from my ipad, so probably thats why

    I did not ever meet Eric or know him other than from reading his countless posts here but I feel so sad for him and his family. I will be one of the ones that will light a candle and reflect on him at Noon EST on Friday.

    When a celebrity dies like Elvis, JFK, John Lennon or Michael Jackson the world mourns them and they never met them. They know them from seeing them in the media, videos etc. The same goes with Eric, he was a big presence here and so we all felt we knew him.

    Velvet from Canada

  • mouthy

    Oh Thanks Simon I thought it was me going batty. Couldnt understand why all the fuss about a post that wasnt there .

  • Pams girl
    Pams girl

    Im in Wales can some clever person work out the right time for Friday?

    I miss you Eric x

  • mamochan13

    Thank you, Cedars, for speaking out about NN's inappropriate posts.

    Anger is part of the grieving process, but it does not give one individual the right to diminish the grief others are feeling. We are a community here, and although we all may be mourning in different ways, we share sadness at the loss of a member of our community. It doesn't matter if you knew him personally, if you liked him or if he liked you. His death has impacted every one of us.

    Argue, disagree, and debate if you must, but don't do it in the middle of a thread meant to show our respect for Eric and our sadness that he is gone.

  • crmsicl

    Pams girl,

    It will be 17:00 BST in Wales

    (Google: Time Zone converter and you will find several choices. I used the one called "THE time now")

  • Pams girl
    Pams girl

    Thanks crmsicl Much appreciated

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