"Safeguard Your Mind" assembly targeting apostate thinking

by promised_presence 47 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • sizemik

    "Safeguard Your Mind"

    One man's fortress is another man's prison . . . there's your "context".

  • VM44

    How often has Watchtower literature quoted material and taken it totally out of its context and making it imply something the original author didn't intend?

  • sd-7

    Gotta love these guys. So, I went to the library and found out they were quoting from an article that denies Jesus Christ and that they hid such fact from their readers, and that they quoted a guy in a way that suggests he's in favor of their rendering of John 1:1, and that wasn't true at all.

    Hard to take out of context such spectacular whoppers as: "God's prophetic word through Jesus Christ is: "This generation [of 1914] will not pass away until all these things take place."" (May 15, 1984 WT p. 6-7) I mean, IN WHAT CONTEXT could that be an okay thing to say? Maybe if they said, "The following sentence isn't true at all"? Actually, they went on to add that, in short, if it doesn't happen that way, it's God's fault, because he predicted it and it was his job to make sure it happened!

    Well, alright. How about that last WT study article, "I Am With You"? I take that to mean that Jesus' words, "I am with you all the days until the conclusion of the system of things", were in fact a lie? When the article goes on to relate that the relevant stuff Jesus has done to be with his followers all seems to have started happening 130 years ago? Okay.

    This is a case of them accusing their opponents of being guilty of the things they themselves are guilty of. On the plus side, the more they talk about apostates, the more curiosity they will unintentionally trigger. If I hadn't known they feared apostates so much (otherwise why so adamant in telling people to avoid them?), I would have stayed a JW and been miserable, not knowing any way out. So, if anything, maybe we should be thanking them for pointing to the Exit sign so much.


  • undercover

    The brother later stated that "apostates often bring out points that may be true, but are taken way out of context".

    "Millions Now Living Will Never Die" FAIL

    "1914: The Generation That Will Not Pass Away" FAIL

    How is that taken way out of context?

  • besty
    "apostates often bring out points that may be true, but are taken way out of context"

    its another thought stopper implanted into the JW brain

    'lalalallalalala - fingers in ears - it may be true, but its waaaaay out of context - they said this would hapen - lalalalalala'

  • breakfast of champions
    breakfast of champions

    I predict this will be a six-Xanax assembly.

  • baltar447

    BOC, my wife said she tried Xanax once and she was so flat her kids could have been murdered in front of her and she would have been, "meh, whatever".

    So 6 Xanax? WTF do you build up a tolerance?

  • breakfast of champions
    breakfast of champions

    BALTAR - 3 per day for two days (it's a Circuit Assy). Six in one day and I'd be comatose.

    Not that there's anything wrong with that.

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