im stunned

by maccauk11 28 Replies latest jw friends

  • maccauk11

    Nice one Mr.Flipper

    I get it now. But if you are strong in faith and belief should you not be able ot follow the command "make sure of all things".But as you say the fear is in built . SO perfect love does not cat aside fear i guess for some people

  • flipper

    MACCAUK- Good points. Exactly as you say. The reason JW's won't cast fear aside is that they are also trained that Jehovah God and the WT leaders aka " faithful & discreet slave " are the same thing ! The FDS IS God to them ! So anything they are told from WT leaders is the same as if God tells them to do it. That's how messed up they are in their heads. It's really scary that WT leaders have that much control over 7 million people, but it's true for most Witnesses. It's one reason most JW's will just accept ANYTHING the WT society says without checking it out. They are conditioned and trained to be that way. Peace out, mr. Flipper

  • maccauk11

    Yeha THanks mr.Flipper

    I guess this is the case for many . DO you know what the last few witnesses i met, well it dawned on me sometime after, they seem to have inner issues a bit of anger it slike achild who has been hit by his father for many years the y kind of flex themsleves if you understand as if preparing for the worst.

  • cobaltcupcake

    JWs don't expect to meet someone who knows anything about their organization or its history. Or the Bible, for that matter.

    You shocked them to the soles of their shoes.

    The Odd Life of Jehovah's Witnesses

  • scotoma


    Do you ever read books on evolution?

    Do you ever read information critical of the Bible?

    Are you afraid of having a Ouija board in your house?

    Are you familiar with the problems of finding evidence for the "historical" Jesus?

    Tell me that you are disposed to dealing with these issues first before criticizing the reaction of JW's.

  • maccauk11

    hi sotoma

    WHy do you see it as criticism. As for your questions i dont get your point . I spent a lifetime of searching , investigating, considering knowledge. What my point is why when i met with people who love Jesus they did not want to share the word of God . My love for them and others who are enslaved by man makes me naturally worry about them as i would my own family

  • scotoma


    I see your statements as criticism because they were critical. The implication is that the witnesses are failing to do something you expect christians to do. That's a criticism. There's nothing wrong with criticism.

    But you should be aware that you are guilty of the same things the JW's are. You ignore information that might draw you away from the comfort of your faith.

    Your statement "I spent a lifetime of searching , investigating, considering knowledge." is evasive and therefore dishonest. Let me ask the question again with less room for avoidance:

    In your lifetime of searching, investigating, considering knowledge have you:

    Ever read books on evolution? I don't mean creationist apologetics but actual books explaining evolution by evolutionists.

    Ever read information critical of the Bible?

    Ever read books on the problems of finding evidence for the "historical jesus"?

    You don't have to answer my questions. I'm not out to nail anyone to a tree.

  • mP

    Funny thing was i check out ouija boards were invented in the 1920s when i was a kid i thought they were hundreds of years old. I wonder how many \jw realise this...

  • james_woods

    How do you propose to prove to them that Russell was a Freemason if they do come back?

  • krejames

    Even now that I'm ready and willing to believe many of the allegations against the Society, when people repeat the Freemason allegations as if it were fact, they lose all credibility with me. There is nothing but circumstantial evidence and hearsay to support the Freemason line of enquiry. nothing that would stand in a court of law to prove the matter "beyond reasonable doubt". I'm NOT saying it's not possible that Russell was connected with them, he may well have been - just that ultimately it's unprovable and so should not be stated as fact - otherwise we're no better that the GB we're so fond of criticising for their far fetched references in the reasoning book and all . By all means be honest a state that it is an allegation - an allegation that you choose to believe.

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