RANT! Old JWs make me so mad!

by lil.lady.03 28 Replies latest jw experiences

  • lil.lady.03

    @steve2: You're so right. I tried telling her that she is the matriarch of of family and as such I love her, respect her, and honor her and always will irregardless of the fact of being a JW.

    She told me, "No don't say that. All honor and glory goes to Jehovah. I am nothing. Just a servant of Jehovah." Geeze, she has a serious complex that runs really deep.

    I threw my hands up and walked out.

    I love my grandmoher and I will continue to love her. That is why it is so hard just to write her off. But right now it is so hard to try to even talk to her.

    *le sigh*

  • Terry

    When all you've got is something very very small and you've traded the world for it---how do you let it go?

    That's Grandma's fate. She traded everything for nothing. So, instead of letting go--the grip is tightened.

    She has to breathe life into the dying spark every moment of every day or even the promise of fire goes along with it.

    The older we get the more security we need!

    Religion gives what no honest promise would ever offer: EVERYTHING!

    A sucker's bet: if she wins what comes to her but youth and beauty and everlasting goodies.

    If she loses---well, why think about that? She's no worse off than anybody else it must seem.

    Life is what you make out of what you have. And what do any of us have but today and today alone?

    While you build your life out of the real things in real time---grandma sits and watches it all pass away in front of her eyes.

    She is standing in a long, long line waiting for a huge reward.

    In the meantime....the clock is ticking on all of the chances she will ever have.

  • SophieG

    Hi lillady03

    I know you are you are venting and may be a bit upset, but I could not help but chuckle at your GM. My mom is up there too…while she may not be completely aware of my “revolt” out of the “truth” as yet, she does do emotional blackmail on other things. I just straight up, either ignore her… smile and act like nothing she says or does will faze me!

    It’s almost like they are trying to get a rise out of you…don't let them!!!

    Don't make a big deal about her not coming to the baby shower. Tell her you'll miss her and that she will miss out on the cake.

    *(now this is evil Sophie thinking: If it were my GM I would ask her if she also wanted me to make sure I did not bring the baby around after he/she was born, because you know... I would not want to cause her any "spiritual stress"...but that's just evil me---LOL)

    I like what Steve2 said:

    But honestly, why bother? You know her assumptions about you are wrong so smile back at her and get on with your life. You could be radical and give her a lovely big hug, tell her you love her and make her day. That way you show her by your actions that you are a well-adjusted, non-defensive, loving ex JW. Cliches nail it so well: Your actions will speak louder to her than your [defensive] words.

    I do that to my mom all the time when she tells me that I am crazy…throws her everytime.

    Try not to let it get you down...stay happy for your baby!!!

  • steve2

    lil.lady - I so get your frustration with your grandmother. Sometimes no matter what we say to our JW relatives, they'll deflect it or use it as an opportunity to go into preaching-mode.

  • maccauk11

    people of past generations had less information available ot them. THey tend to stick with what they know. Hence the epxression "better the devil you know" or the saying keep your friends close but keep your enemies closer

  • Found Sheep
    Found Sheep

    congradulations on the baby! Yes it's frustrating!

  • flipper

    Lil.LADY. 03- I know EXACTLY how you feel. I had to bring my 87 yr.old JW dad to task last December for preventing my JW mom from coming down to visit my wife and my home for the first time ever in 6 years - he didn't want my mom to come and visit because my inactive niece had just moved to the area 10 minutes from our house and he thought she is bad association. I about blew my stack at my dad. These JW's are so indoctrinated by fear from the WT society it's ridiculous. Really what's behind it is selfishness - because all they want to do is save their own hide through the imaginary Armageddon, so they are willing to throw relationships with us, their inactive children- under the bus so they can live ! It's disgusting. What they don't realize is there's no such thing as Paradis or Armageddon and they're all gonna die anyway like everybody else ! Every JW now living will die in time. They're too mind controlled to know any different ! Hang in there Lillady , we love you here, please remember that. Keep your chin up, I know it hurts, I have experienced shunning from my adult JW daughters now for 9 years. You have friends here remember

  • cobaltcupcake

    She said she read the text a few days ago and the topic was about those ppl who have left the truth and their probably ashamed of themselves and regret their decisions and all they need to do is talk to the elders.



    The Odd Life of Jehovah's Witnesses

  • Elizabeth123
  • ziddina

    Aw, lilJady, I'm sorry to hear that your gran was so shallow and inconsiderate of you...

    In a way, your conversation with her reminds me of a significant conversation I had with my grandma, many years ago.

    Both she and my mum were always trying to control me with guilt. It was always, "Oh, don't do THAT, because I'll WORRY about you!"

    One day, I got sick of that line and when my grandma said, yet again, "But Zid, I WOOORRY about you!", I looked her straight in the eye and said,

    "That's funny, Grandma, because I NEVER worry about you!!"

    She NEVER made that comment to me, again!!! laughing smiley

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