Spy vs. Spy

by TR 39 Replies latest jw friends

  • mommy
    We've had several real male idiots on our forum and Seven was the only one with a picure up then. They zeroed in their crudity to her. If no picture - no overt attack would have happened, imo.

    I believe that Simon has a pic up and he made a comment BEFORE Seven on the joke thread. Why did no attack come onto him? Because he is not female, and the female jealousy thing didn't come into play. I thought of this when it happened. I feel Patricia acted on jealousy. And you? What are you attacking me for? Tooooooo many years in the org?
    I am very sorry, but I am sooo deeply hurt by your comments tonight.
    You of ALL people should know better!!

    Edited by - MOMMY on 26 January 2001 23:9:39

  • claudia

    Mommy, I agree with you 100%. My daughters father would blame me for everything! I dress ultra conservative, and it was my fault for just being at the grocery store. I live in big sweatshirts and loose fitting jeans, one thing I wont do though is not care about my weight, hair or make up. Well sometimes the make up I dont care about. But you know what I mean.

  • claudia

    I want to add that ALL our pics are tasteful, facial shots. Not like we are in thongs or something.

  • mommy

    Thank you. I don't even wear makeup!!!! I live in sweats tooo! I feel you understand me thanks

  • amicus

    Claudia and Mommy,
    As I stated earlier, neither of you have done wrong. I have spent years in the company of beautiful women such as yourselves. They did nothing wrong, ever, to be singled out. Yet they were victimized by asshole men. Not all men are like that, but the others can't fight everyone.
    Before you think too harshly of waiting, remember what she has suffered. She is only reacting to the scars she has not recovered from and may never recover from. She is a victim as much as either of you have been.
    Don't focus on the victims, but on the assailants. Don't back down either. Stand up for your rights.
    You are not alone.

    Edited by - amicus on 26 January 2001 23:32:5

  • claudia

    Thanks Amicus : ) where I work, the customers are 90% male. At first it was difficult. because of my personality type they all got to know me like a buddy, never really had a problem luckily.

  • waiting

    To all, particularily Wendy,


    I don't need anyone to apologize for me - I hadn't even found the offensive posts yet. If you take the time to notice - I asked where it was! How in the heck was I supposed to know about the breast milk crack, WENDY! if I hadn't even read the post that I asked specifically where it was!!!!!!!

    Then I come on and hear a woman, the mother of a RAPE victim basically condemn me for being pretty, and in no subtle terms say I was asking for it!

    Btw, I was on icq with Seven at the exact time I was posting this comment. I asked her to read it - and I would have modified it if she didn't understand what I was trying to say. She understood. I'm absolutely sorry that my comment was not clear on what I was trying to say. It was not my intention to condemn you for being pretty, as you seem quite obvious of that fact. Rather like that old hair commercial with the woman saying "Don't hate me because I have beautiful hair."

    It's about reality. If you want to put your pretty picture - fine. It's great for the persons here, but there are strangers (a fine example would be the ass who used maxee's password- I have now read the posts) who zero in on pictures, particularily women. I just hope the pretty women are well adjusted, don't mind gross insults, and always have men who are valiant nearby. If that is so - the world is, indeed, a fine place.

    I believe that Simon has a pic up and he made a comment BEFORE Seven on the joke thread. Why did no attack come onto him? Because he is not female, and the female jealousy thing didn't come into play. I thought of this when it happened. I feel Patricia acted on jealousy. And you? What are you attacking me for? Tooooooo many years in the org?

    I am very sorry, but I am sooo deeply hurt by your comments tonight.

    Back off. I was not attacking you. I'm sorry if it came across that way. Yes, many years in the org - longer than you've been alive. More years being just as pretty as you, btw, and being hit upon by elders, ms, 30 friggin' years of working in the next bay with mechanics, selling to car salesmen - and doing so on the ability of my words and intelligence and humor - and never once on my back.

    And I did wear good clothes, leather blazers, etc, when selling. But I knew what the men were thinking a lot of the time - the idiots would tell me. Sometimes the deal was across the desk or no deal. I walked.

    You of ALL people should know better!!

    Yes, I do know. I feel a bit confident with the idea that people we do not know read our words. They identify with our pictures. We are allowing strangers to know us, our personalities, our thoughts, hopes, desires, sorrows, pain, sexual activities, husbands, children, some of us -even our real names. And then we put a picture to the package! Some strangers are jacking off because that's the extent of their life. I know that world - it was the world of my father. For you information, I never wear clothes with any letters on them - it's a phobia leftover - don't want anybody to read me or look at me too long.

    And, btw, at your age - I was better looking than you and had three kids tagging, my own business and divorced. I'm not jealous of your prettiness, just see the true possibility of very ugly persons watching.

    Again, it was absolutely not my intention to offend the pretty women here. I apologize to the pretty women.


    Edited by - waiting on 27 January 2001 0:38:43

  • Simon

    Ladies, LADIES !!
    Calm down please...this is exactly the wort of thing that idiots like to see that they have caused people to fall out between themselves.
    I understand what has been said.
    Mommy, I didn't realise you were serious about removing your pic - sorry. If you click on the 'my profile' link at the top left and delete the line with the picture on it it will disappear.
    While I'm here can I give my views on this?
    I have often made a conscious effort not to give too much attention to attractive women because I figure being beautiful could be as much as a drag as not being when you get idiots hassling you all the time.
    It's always best to treat people based on who they are than what they look like (says the ugly guy )
    Anyway, er...I don't think there was a point to it really...

  • larc

    I have only been here two months, and I have seen several trouble makers: the recent bad boy, Roy, antichrist, butch, and the mentaly ill woman (can't think of her name). They get people stirred up then disappear. I think we have to keep a sense of perspective as best we can, and not allow these disruptions to disrupt us. People's true colors (or is it colours Simon) come through sometimes quickly, sometimes slowly, so don't let the @!#@'s wear you down!

  • mommy

    I have had a full nights sleep(first in a couple nights)Waiting, you being a mother remember when your kids were sick? Well my little girl has been sick and I haven't had much sleep.
    But I have read and reread the posts and this is where I stand.I ignored the comments made on the other thread, I felt that boy was dealt with. I thought about removing my pic so as not to disturb the forum.That was my first comment on this thread. Then I rethought about it and decided as Amicus said, I will not back down.Why should I take it off?
    When I first read your post, and now as I read them I feel that you are basically saying it is my fault deal with it, and that I basically was asking for it. That is why I had such a strong reaction to you. Because I did deal with it by ignoring it. But I was unable to ignore your comments, and lashed out at you. I am truly sorry. I should never have directed my anger at you. I should have as I always do when I find offensive posts ignored it.
    So I guess you can say this is a formal apology.
    Simon, I am sorry for being human:)and I vow never to be human again on your forum:) hee hee

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