Pursuing higher education is comparable with having OCD - according to Gerrit Losch

by cedars 59 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Pistoff

    So the analogy is that we all are OCD, and college might be the bullet that destroys the bad part of our brain?


    First, the man with OCD is very ill. Did he get medical attention or did the elders just admonish him to study more, pray more and go to more meetings?

    Second, this is possible the worst anaolgy I have ever heard.

    So, are we all OCD? Can we be cured without shooting out the bad part of the brain?

    College is like attempted suicide?

    I am reminded of what a friend told me:

    When the blind lead the blind, you get a dynasty of assholes.

    Losch is living proof.

  • hoser

    Does the story of the OCD sufferer have any merit? Can it be proven that it happened or is it just an urban legend? Who was the person that shot

    themself, where did it happen, and how many years ago did this take place?

  • Pistoff

    Losch says that "71% admit (his word) that they go to college for the money".

    Here is the rest of the story:


    The study shows that MOST young adults say that college is not for everyone, and that they have had real life experiences of not advancing in their job, getting laid off or not getting the job FOR LACK OF A DEGREE.

    Losch has mined this article for quotes, and taken them out of context.

  • Pistoff


    This link suggests it happened in the early 80's. The doctor claims it is his patient; no AP story to back it up.

    It has the sniff of urban legend.

    Not the first time the WT has based life and death advice on urban legends.

    Remember the father in (Romaina, Bulgaria, you name it) who would not give up looking for his son, used by DO's and bethel speakers a few years ago?

    Complete urban legend. And it was first used by other religious groups.

  • hoser

    According to the article this happened in Vancouver, BC and the man was on the Larry King show. I'll investigate further.

  • WTWizard

    I don't think I would want to go back to knocking on doors, full time. Yet that's what they want people doing--dedicating their lives to that Almighty Lowlife Scumbag so they can pious-sneer. They will be wasting all their time going from door to door, recruiting people to doing the same useless work they themselves are doing.

    I believe that dedicating oneself to Jehovah is worse than suicide. At least with suicide, you are not bound to Jehovah in the next life.

  • panhandlegirl

    Some go to college to have a higher standered of living. WOW! They are dumb and may not survive it. They may have OCD. Well, I risked it and yes, it worked out just fine. I have a higher income than I would have otherwise

    and those with a degree are less likely to be part of the unemployed during this ecomonic downturn. How does this man keep his high standard of living? Oh yes, the r/f support him and his cronies. What a sham. Who is he to be

    telling people it is wrong to put your family first by getting an education. I believe the Bible states that a man who does not look after his own household is worse than an unbeliever. Surprise! it takes money to support a

    household. Some of us have to work for a living/income. It doesn't come without effort. Education is the key.


  • hoser

    Yes for someone who for a long time has lived the life of a millionare, he has some nerve to tell others that they are materialistic by getting an education

  • Healthworker


    "he has some nerve to tell others that they are materialistic by getting an education"

    Yup, and he had some nerve comming to Norway telling the whole country this story not long ago, then selling of our property. Next time we will issue an arrest warrenty for him and send him to court for hate speach!

    Love bro Healthworker

  • hoser


    What do the majority of the brothers think of Mr. Losch?

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