What did God accomplish with the flood?

by jam 79 Replies latest social humour

  • Elephant

    Uh, elephant, in case you didn't get the hint: there is no YHWH. He's the result of humans who wrote a flawed myth. ;)


    ...now THERE is a thought....

    ....with utmost respect ( and i promise not to get stupid or condenscending) ...please show how this is so?

    ...and thanks ahead for your response...

    ...on a sidenote, you stated this -That makes sense if you're 5 (and Elephant, the video makes reference to the PeeWee Herman defense of "I meant to do that", another strategy that only works for children, but not adults).

    -well, if you readily discard ALL posibilities for his actions, SIMPLE as they may sound, are you TRULLY analyzing this with a complete and unbiased mindset?...

  • james_woods

    Well, for one thing, he created the first fast-food franchise: Manna.

    The customers came to hate it, demanding leeks & onions...the new offering of dead pigeons also was quickly rejected.

    Sadly, this franchise was quickly closed and never seen again.

  • James Brown
    James Brown

    The flood account comes from the Sumerian text.

    The Gods are astronauts from another planet that genetically engineered humans.

    An ark like device was built to save life from a disaster that the Gods could not controll.

    Maybe it was a pole shift.

  • smmcroberts

    Elephant: " i promise not to get stupid or condenscending"

    Too late.

  • King Solomon
    King Solomon

    James, that would explain the source of the recipe for Chick-Fil-A's sandwiches, I suppose. :)

    Elephant, the facts are out there (actually, they're HERE on JWN, as others have compiled the evidence here that's located elsewhere) but its going to take work for you to find the information, analyze, and understand. It's a long process, but hopefully you will do it, if only to avoid being the last one in your KH to figure it out. The sooner you learn it, the sooner you can make an informed decision about your life course.

    James, that claim is distinctive for Illuminatism: since you're relying on the historicity of a Flood, it's a doomed belief. Just a whacky take on old lies...

  • Elephant


    Elephant, the facts are out there (actually, they're HERE on JWN, as others have compiled the evidence here that's located elsewhere) but its going to take work for you to find the information, analyze, and understand. It's a long process, but hopefully you will do it, if only to avoid being the last one in your KH to figure it out. The sooner you learn it, the sooner you can make an informed decision about your life course"

    ...funny, this is the third time i've been given this 'answer' to a question in these boards...

    ...your hesitation is not very compelling...salomon...i've read your responses in other 'dense' (i believe was your word of choice ) threads...you are perfectly capable of providing evidence for your arguments...

  • King Solomon
    King Solomon

    The subject of the Torah being a work of fiction is incredibly broad, and its off topic to this thread. If you want to narrow it to the Noah's Flood account, then do so.

    But to see the big picture, you're going to have to learn about ancient Hebrew culture (and NOT from WTBTS), read books by biblical scholars and archaeologists like Finkelstein, Devers, and old posts by Leolaia, etc. You've got at least 6 months of work cut out for you.

    Land unlike the JW version of the Truth, theres not going to be people coming to your door to spoken-feed this information to you in the form of shiny magazines with pretty pictures, devoid of big words: you've got to do the work and thinking for yourself.

  • smmcroberts

    (An Elephantine statement): I believe in an invisible all-powerful, all-knowing, all-loving spirit who does stupid, futile things which cause the death of millions of people because that's what he meant to do. Now, Solomon: Prove me wrong!

    It's not possible to prove that statement wrong to the true believer in it.

    But it's up to the one putting forth extraordinary claims to provide the proof.

  • darth frosty
  • King Solomon
    King Solomon

    Smmcroberts, I'm quite inclined to accept that he DOES believe that, but it's no sweat off MY nose if he chooses to believe in silly old myths that collapse under even the slightest breeze of a challenge from logic....

    Elephant says stuff like this, as if it's compelling or deep (zen like?):

    "God is God"

    That indicates someone who relies on fallacious logic (circular reasoning, AKA begging the question, etc) routinely, without even so much as a bit of hesitation; thus it's going to take more than 6 months to get it together.

    Start now, Elephant, as a mind is a terrible thing to waste.

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