I Do Not Think Everyone That is a JW Wastes Their Life

by Magwitch 64 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Magwitch

    My 97 year old grandmother died last week. She was actually born and raised a JW. Her mother (my great grandmother) was a Russelite. My grandmother was baptized in Lake Michigan as a young girl. She loved being a witness. She met Rutherford a number of times and worshipped the man to her dying day. She spoke of him as if he was God himself. She married at 16 (my grandfather was also born and raised in) and she and my grandfather were so proud to be JW's. They were faithful to the religion to the very end. Never, ever doubting that what they had was anything but absolute truth.

    She was a very happy lady, pioneered for years and years - had wonderful friends in the organization. Really knew how to enjoy life. She did some world traveling and dressed to kill. On her dying day she told my mother how happy she was to be so privileged to know THE TRUTH her whole life and she was so looking forward to waking up and see my grandfather.

    200 attended her funeral on Sunday, which I thought was fantastic because it always seemed the funerals for the elderly were poorly attended. Both the brother giving the talk and the brother that gave the closing prayer were choking up. I did not attend the funeral. I just cannot stomach going into a KH. I told my parents I was sick (which was the truth).

    For some, like my grandmother, not know TTATT is a blessing. She was so happy to die faithful.

  • Hortensia

    yeah, it's true some enjoy it, never have problems, don't get bored or depressed, don't question anything. I think it's their nature, not the org.

  • still thinking
    still thinking

    I'm sorry for your loss magwitch...and am glad your grandmother had a happy life.

  • stillin

    I agree, Mag. And some really have improved their lives compared with their earlier lifestyles.

    It's not all bad; it just should be better.

  • Theocratic Sedition
    Theocratic Sedition

    Sorry for your loss Mag.

  • rip van winkle
    rip van winkle

    Magwitch, I am sorry for your loss. Your Grandmother sounds like a nice, genuine and sincere lady. My condolences to you and to your family.

    For some, like my grandmother, not know TTATT is a blessing. She was so happy to die faithful.

    Magwitch, I agree with you. I had a little discussion here regarding an elderly pio sister who is happy in her faith. And I believe would not benefit her to know the real TRUTH at the tail end of her life.

  • Healthworker

    "For some, like my grandmother, not know TTATT is a blessing. She was so happy to die faithful"

    I have some older friends in the "truth"! I think it's best for them to stay inside and be happy! To confront them, would probably make them very ill and even sick. No need for that. Besides, some jw may have God's approval anyways, even though WTS is false (if you believe in God that is).

    There's many reasons to stay with a religion. But young people should have a chance to see both sides.

    Sorry for your grandmothers death! Best wishes for you!

    Love from your brother, Healthworker

  • DesirousOfChange

    For some, like my grandmother, not [to] know TTATT is a blessing. She was so happy to die faithful.

    Yes, I oftensometimes occasionally wish I'd have chosen the "Blue Pill".


  • Magwitch

    Thanks all of you!

    Ignorance is bliss for many in JW world. They are happy and should be left alone. It is the unhappy ones that we need to reach.

  • Etude

    Yes, absolutely. I hope your grandmother, in spite of her faithfulness, was not one to have shunned you and neglet members of your family that did not believe the same. Some people are like that. My mother never shunned me and would have ceased to be a Witness first if she was pushed to avoid her children.

    At first, I thought it would be a loss anyway that someone would not otherwise thrive and become something "better" for being restricted with such teachings. But then I realize that in every religion, espcially the entrenched traditional and culturally attached ones (Quakers, Amish, etc), many people lead simple and satisfying lives. Not everyone can be an outlier. For me, I just think it's a shame to live in darkness no matter how garrish and blaring the light I face may be. As Patrick Henry once said: "For my part, whatever anguish of spirit it may cost, I am willing to know the whole truth; to know the worst and provide for it."

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