So, Jesus had a wife.....

by oldlightnewshite 52 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Leolaia

    The latest analysis, sounds right on the money:

  • mP


    Have you watched the documentary that discusses the fake Solomon Tablet that was written upon sandstone taken most likely from Crusader forts near the coast ? It was very interesting in that it shows just how many tricks the forger used to craft this tablet. They used an ancient form of Hebrew but they made a mistake with one word that apparently triggered some concern by an ancient scholar. They also somehow applied some patina to give the illusion that the talbet and its writing were ancient. They eventually realise it was a forgery because they also found remnants of sea life in the sand stone which was plain wrong for Jerusalem but appropriate for a fort near the coast. They also tested the composition of various elements and the sandstone or patina(cant recall which) was also incorrect for Jerusalem.

    Perhaps the most interesting statement from the entire thing, was that perhaps more than half of all ancient artefacts in all museums are fake or recent manufacturings. Nobody wants to test all their goods using a similar scientific method because they dont want to be found out and left holding fakes.

    Given all these fakes, whats to say other manuscripts are not fakes. Thers big money in selling such artefacts, so its no surprise people manufacture them.

  • dreamgolfer

    She was a HOTTIE! Did you see her pics?


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