So, Jesus had a wife.....

by oldlightnewshite 52 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Leolaia
  • undercover

    If a thousand years from now, people read what is written today, even here, there would be no proof of anything! they will study it as mythological gods of our ancient and dead culture, much as we study about Greek and Roman mythological gods of those ancient cultures...

    Fixed that for ya...

  • Jaime l de Aragon
    Jaime l de Aragon

    If he had a wife, why she did not delegate the care of his mother, and not to John?

    When Jesus saw his mother there, and the disciple whom he loved standing nearby, he said to his mother, "Dear woman, here is your son," John 19:26

  • keyser soze
    keyser soze
    Bottom line, Jesus in no way was married to, nor interested in any woman romantically.

    Doesn't mean he didn't rub one off on occasion.


    According to this ancient manuscript Jesus run a bethel........... I mean brothel!

  • kurtbethel

    Jesus's 'wife' was massive pain in the arse

    ACCORDING to a fourth century papyrus Jesus had a wife that he absolutely despised.

    Jesus even started a rumour that she was a prostitute

    A passage in the ancient text describes a dialogue involving Jesus where the founder of Christianity says ‘for God’s sake don’t get married – my wife is a nightmare’.

    He then tells his disciples about her terrifying mood swings and rank hypocrisy and confirms that ‘loving thy neighbour does not count if you live next door to Mary Magdalene’.

    According to the text, written in Egyptian Coptic, Jesus added: “Sometimes I wish I really was the Son of God. That would shut her fat face.

    “‘Did you fix the shelf in the bathroom?’ No I didn’t because I’m the Son of God. ‘Can you pick up some milk on the way home?’ Sorry, too busy, Son of God. ‘Why do you hate my mother?’ Because she is a horrible old bitch.”

    In a subsequent passage, which scholars say was probably removed from an early version of the Gospel of John, Jesus looks down from the cross and says ‘what’s she doing here?’.

    He then launches into a tirade against his wife insisting: “I wouldn’t be up here if it wasn’t for you, you sour-faced harridan.

    “I wanted to be a carpenter but you just had to have a new donkey.”

    Jesus adds: “‘Peter’s wife’s got a new donkey’, you kept saying. ‘Make some speeches, get yourself noticed, try and get a book deal’.

    “I hate your guts.”

  • Jaime l de Aragon
    Jaime l de Aragon

    That is a classic mistake, say that Mary Magdalene was a prostitute, not the prostitute, was another and not say her name, Mary Magdalene was a woman that he cast seven demons, the story of the prostitute is another, even JW , who claim to know the Bible very well, often make this mistake

    There are many religious people and believers, that confuses Mary of Magdala,

    with the story of the woman who went to stone, and is the other story of the

    crying woman gets expensive perfume on Jesus

  • undercover

    There are many religious people and believers, that confuses Mary of Magdala...

    And there are many people who realize it's all mythology. These people are called 'rational'.

  • Glander

    eunuchs are not gay, They are, theoretically, sexless.

  • GromitSK

    I lost the thread a bit, what happened to the cheesemakers again?

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