Question on In Vitro fertilization - quote from 12/15/12 WT

by sd-7 35 Replies latest jw friends

  • rip van winkle
    rip van winkle

    Sure KS! You LOVE her MIND not her pix! AND you LOVE "the way she boldly expresses her thoughts"-not her pix!!! LOL Sol- let's talk about BIAS

  • NewChapter

    RVW---is that your real pic in your avatar?

  • rip van winkle
    rip van winkle

    NC- IT looks exactly like me!!! LOL- REALLY!!!

  • NewChapter

    I KNEW it!

  • rip van winkle
    rip van winkle

    You ARE VERY SMART. I like your MIND, too!

  • sir82
    Question: Does anyone know of anyone who faced a judicial committee because they did something like this?

    Here's my question: What idiot would volunteer information about their reproductive systems & choices to Moe, Larry, & Curly on a body of elders?

    Anybody that stupid probably deserves to be DF'ed.

  • Theocratic Sedition
    Theocratic Sedition
    Here's my question: What idiot would volunteer information about their reproductive systems & choices to Moe, Larry, & Curly on a body of elders?
    Anybody that stupid probably deserves to be DF'ed.

    They may not be stupid enough to let Moe, Larry, & Curly know, but they may tell another JW who they consider a friend. That friend, well intentioned or not, will tell another friend who will then proceed to tell another friend, and eventually the news will reach Moe, Larry, & Curly. JWs love gossiping.

    edit post: The more I think about it, I can see how this issue would generate a QFR response from the WT. These situations are happening, and the common sense side of many JWs will see nothing wrong with In Vitro, but the indoctrinated need to rely on the WT's word for every personal decision a JW makes completely over-rides their own common sense. The WT unable to resist it's obsession with the Mosaic Law, and unable to avoid micro-managing(ironic considering the WT Study last week mentioning that Jehovah doesn't micromanage) the personal lives of JWs, feels obligated to locate some obscure scripture on adultery and apply it to something the writer had no intention of addressing, something that didn't even exist when the writer penned the verse.

  • blondie

    Who would volunteer this, any jw that runs to the elders about their sexual habits.....oral/anal.....etc.

  • King Solomon
    King Solomon

    Blondie said:

    Who would volunteer this, any jw that runs to the elders about their sexual habits.....oral/anal.....etc.

    I suspect that was a rhetorical question, but we all know the answer: how about a JW who's been raised without any understanding of personal boundaries, and who's "Bible-trained conscience" gets the best of them and they feel so riddled with guilt they have to go to confessional, uh, the elders and fess up? It would be funny, if it were not sad that some will sacrifice much of their own identity and sense of self, for the sake of the group...

    RVW said to NC:

    You ARE VERY SMART. I like your MIND, too!

    Now Rip, THAT didn't sound very sincere! NC knows you're just parroting those words, telling her what you may THINK she wants to hear (and NC is a sharp cookie, and can detect BS lines from a mile away). Try again!

  • rip van winkle
    rip van winkle

    Oh, Sol, you are very playful these days! Yes, NC is very smart. I was just agreeing that I like her mind, as you like her mind.

    Sol, I didn't hear NC complain.

    MY words speak for themself!!! (LOL)

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