"There will be raspberries falling from the sky"

by stuckinarut2 10 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • stuckinarut2

    Yes indeed!

    According to these authentic holy verses, you too can share in the assured joy of sweet raspberries from the sky:

    "I tell you truthfully, there were raspberries in an abundance that fell from the sky, bringing great happiness to all those on earth". From the book of stuckinarut2 4:7

    But how can you believe this authoritative verse?

    Later references from the same holy writings also referred to this wonderful event:

    "as it was on that day, many spoke of the 'day of raspberries', yes, for it has been established in the holy writings!" stuckinarut2 56:17

    So there you have it! It is a fact, for there are additional references to this event!

    hmmm....ok, before you all think I have lost my mind, this is how I feel about the way supposed FACTS are presented through the bible. Yes, just because the bible speaks of events, DOES NOT make them true.

    Just because later bible writers referred back to previous writings, does NOT make the initial events true.

    It is what is known as SELF REFERENTIAL writings. They are "true", because someone wrote that they are true, and so did others later on!

    So in 1000 years, if someone finds the "book of stuckinarut2" and reads those "accounts" of raspberries from the sky, will they believe the story as fact, and build their whole life and belief structure around that? Will they self-righteously condemn any who don't believe the account?

  • KateWild

    Yes I agree stuck.....the bible is a load of nonsense.

    But I do try and live my life in line with Matt 7.12..... I think it's pretty good advice.

    Kate xx

  • stuckinarut2

    Oh sure. I agree that the sections with wise advice are beneficial. Just as any wise words from any source are of value.

    But the whole book can't be taken as literal words of fact....

  • Hold Me-Thrill Me
    Hold Me-Thrill Me

    "I tell you truthfully, there were raspberries in an abundance that fell from the sky, bringing great happiness to all those on earth". From the book of stuckinarut2 4:7

    But the whole book can't be taken as literal words of fact.

    I agree.

    Some will think stuckinarut2 4:7 was written by a fool or lunatic or a monstrous religious liar. Others will take it literal and will wait for more raspberries to fall and bring them great happiness. Still others, recognizing that raspberries do not fall from the sky, will attempt to examine what the writer of stuckinarut2 4:7 might have meant.

    We are free to chose any of those paths.

  • freemindfade
    taste the rainbow
  • BluesBrother

    Yes, I have often pondered the same line of thought when the WTS have proclaimed that an event in Genesis has to be literally true because Jesus or others referred to it. Now I might quote Shakespeare in a Public Talk (as I used to do sometimes). I could refer to Polonius advising his son, "Neither a borrower or a lender be, for loan oft loses both itself and friend". I need not say that it is fiction, but does that mean that I believed them to be real people in the company of Prince Hamlet ?

    In Acts 17 .28 Paul quoted some Greek poet as saying " We are also his progeny" . A truism that supported Paul's argument but never claiming that the poet was inspired by God.

    I am not one to rubbish the Bible but the line of argument that an event must be literally true because others later made reference, does not hold up

  • FayeDunaway
    Good point, BB.
  • Divergent

    I kinda like the book of stuckinarut2 =)

    Sooo... what else would fall from the sky? ^^

  • Vidiot

    "...raspberries in an abundance that fell from the sky..."

    Sounds like song lyrics from some retro-60s hippie-Christian feel-good album...

    ...or peyote-driven free-verse poetry.

  • FuzzyPaul

    Literalists can be troublesome. Some are bullys, 6000 year old Earth promoters are. Ancient Rabbis, such as Maimonides lean to saying Genesis etc is more poetry and not literal because they know the language. Genesis ... has basis in fact but Billions of years being told in a few hundred words? Somehow the Hebrew rabbis know the reality that God is real, etc and creator but only tell children and imbeciles that six solar (24 hour) days are literally meant.

    The Watchtower is pro their program and keeping you locked inside your closet with a NWT is all they need to keep you stupefied. ?Stupidfied?

    Have you read the Book of Enoch?


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