Watchtower and Freemasonry

by mizpah2 79 Replies latest watchtower scandals


    @ Elephant ,

    you could argue that ANY religion calling itself christian has similar 'origins'... fact, all these examples of comparison only help to enhance Russell's argument in his favor...

    ...but first you must understand the origins of all this symbolism..

    Your statement is true concerning man-made and False Religions, but does not hold true concerning Chist's teachings. If we follow Christ's counsel and believe his words at John 4:23,24 " Nevertheless, the hour is coming, and it is now, when the true worshipers will worship the Father with spirit and truth, for, indeed, the Father is looking for suchlike ones to worship him. 24 God is a Spirit, and those worshiping him must worship with spirit and truth.", then we avoid the whole issue at hand. Isn't it wonderful how simple all things become when we remove human wisdom and creeds and do not put are trust in men whose thoughts are as an exhalation? We just follow Christs clear, unambiguous teachings and everything works out for the best! Who would disagree with those words? We don't need any symbols at all to worship in spirit and truth!

  • tornapart

    @Perfect1 No, not mine, just a find on youtube. :)

  • james_woods

    I am always amazed by how much time and effort JWN posters waste on these notions.

  • Elephant

    "We just follow Christs clear, unambiguous teachings and everything works out for the best! Who would disagree with those words? We don't need any symbols at all to worship in spirit and truth! "


    ...are you sure?...

    New International Version(©1984)
    As it is written: "See, I lay in Zion a stone that causes men to stumble and a rock that makes them fall, and the one who trusts in him will never be put to shame

    ...what is this little tidbit referring to?... about this one...?

    New International Version(©1984)
    Out of his mouth comes a sharp sword with which to strike down the nations. "He will rule them with an iron scepter." He treads the winepress of the fury of the wrath of God Almighty. to explain why there is such "symbolism" in the same 'word of God' you and I hold to heart?... the Masons like to quote..."There is nothing new...under the sun..."


    Elephant, Of course I am sure...aren't you? Sybolism can help us comprehend spiritual concepts. Think of the temple in Jerusalem, it was a representation of things to come. Now we should worship in spirit and truth, we don't need actual physical objects or buildings to make our worship acceptable. Spirit and Truth are the most important. You don't believe we need to go around making t-shirts and pins with a picture of Jesus and a sword coming out his mouth do you? Maybe a sword necklace as a conversation starter? How about " torture stake " earrings? Miniature Ark of the covenant paper weights, or Moses and Aaron salt and pepper shakers? Action figures for kids? The proceeds could go to the World Wide Work?

  • Elephant

    "There is only ONE religion which uses the terms "NEW WORLD ORDER" and "THE SOCIETY" along with the winged disc .and the use of a pyrimd to come up with a faullty date of importance. "

    mind is an interesting verse for your consideration... Malachi 4:2

    New King James Version (NKJV)

    2 But to you who fear My name
    The Sun of Righteousness shall arise
    With healing in His wings;
    And you shall go out
    And grow fat like stall-fed calves.

    ...see anything familiar...mind blown ?...


    "Sybolism can help us comprehend spiritual concepts."

    ...very elegantly put my friend...

  • mizpah2

    - JEHOVA (1742)

  • mizpah2

    1611 : La Bible du roi Jacques (King James Version; Version autorisée; Authorized Version)

    "Franc-maçonnerie en germe. (...) Robert Fludd, rédacteur de l'une des compilations les plus détaillées sur la philosophie hermétique jamais écrite, était paraît-il aussi rosicrucien en plus d'être l'un des principaux traducteurs de la Bible du Roi James (1611)." (Tim Wallace-Murphy, "L'énigme des francs-maçons; Histoire et liens mystiques," Editions Véga, 2007, p.61)

    "En 1611 sort l'Authorized Version, la traduction anglaise qui de toutes va connaître la plus grande diffusion. Le nom par excellence s'y rencontre quatre fois dans le texte (Exode 6:3; Psaume 83:18; Esaïe 12:2, 26:4). On y trouve également "Jah", son abréviation poétique, an Psaume 68:4. Enfin, il figure en entier dans des noms de lieux tels que "Jéhovah-Jiré". (Genèse 22:14; Exode 17:15; Juges 6:24; en français, voir la version Darby qui suit la même ligne de conduite.)" (Brochure : "Le nom Divin"; 1984; p.18)

    Robert Fludd (1574-1637) and winged sun

  • mizpah2
  • mizpah2

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