"ARAB SPRING" smells like composted pig manure now

by Nathan Natas 30 Replies latest social humour

  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    Doesn't it?

    This is not unexpected, unless your part of The Presidents team of geniuses.

  • botchtowersociety

    Reminds me of "Green Shoots" and "Recovery Summer."

    But no need to worry. Problems are elsewhere. On 9/12 Michelle said fat people are a threat to national security.

  • Fernando

    The indomitable human spirit will always chase liberty, and it will ultimately be realised.

    In 1517 even Luther could not have dreamed about the freedoms his dissent would unleash over the next 500 years...

    John Lennon on taking it to the next level: "imagine a world with no religion"...

  • Diest

    This will be a long road, but it will be worth it in years to come. Democracy takes time.

  • CaptainSchmideo

    Democracy doesn't take time! It's instantaneous! Just like the happy ending in "Return of the Jedi:Special Edition" ! Everyone's attitudes change overnight, and all become united! I mean, just take a look at the U.S.! First, their was some sort of shoot out at a bridge, then the next day, The Declaration of Independence was signed. Then, minutes later, a fully realized, completed Constitution was written, and was so perfect it never needed changing, ever. Then, George Washington's son, Abe Lincoln, split some logs and freed the slaves, who were immediately welcome with open arms into the community at large by their former owners, and peace and racial harmony was the order of the day forever. Oh, and women got the vote too (after a short period of time...) And now, in the 21rst century, we have a problem free, civil, well-informed electorate that discusses the issues with knowledge and insight, and conducts its elections with dignity and fairness to all! The End! (Homer Simpson:"In case you didn't figure it out, I was being Sarcastic!" Marge Simpson:"Well, Duh!")

  • designs

    When your 'Holy Book' says its followers will rule the world it presents a very potent elixir. A Pox on the Bible and the Book of Mormon and the Quran.

  • talesin

    In 1517 even Luther could not have dreamed about the freedoms his dissent would unleash over the next 500 years...

    I have thought about this, Fernando. That period of history, especially the Reformation wow! is so interesting to me ...

    I agree with what Diest said, too. And Captain Schmideo, sarcasm well-taken. hahaha ;)

  • talesin

    I don't think the Arab Spring had much to do with Islam ... if the West had supported it with true conviction, instead of an eye to making money, things may have turned out differently.

    Iran (Persia) is a good example of this, imho. [Oh, and Syria!]


    [] = edit

  • Glander

    if the West had supported it with true conviction, instead of an eye to making money, things may have turned out differently.

    I agree. Our inconsistency betrays our lack of leadership. It takes years to build trust in that part of the world and the US trust account is back to zero.

    I did not agree with the isolationist philosophy of Ron Paul, but maybe that is the direction we should go since we are F'ing up badly with our foreign policy. Snubbing Israel is stupid and immoral.

  • Farkel

    Why would anyone want to offer freedom to people who don't want it? You just can't shine shit.


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