They STILL might be DFing me soon for apostasy...

by RayPublisher 68 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • RayPublisher


    The 8 minute highlight video is now online:

    I worked several hours today on the editing of the first hour. It will be online hopefully by Friday or Saturday.

  • ThomasCovenant

    Thank you for your work and effort.

  • talesin

    This is amazing. I know the sadness and disappointment that I have felt when my statements of logic are brushed aside, and rote 'Society' phrases are spouted at me. It kinda gives me a sick feeling in the pit of my stomach. It's a courageous thing you are doing, and real happy you have support. This is concrete evidence for ALL to see, that this is nothing more than a cruel, cruel corporation. Thanks. That's all. xo

  • Chariklo

    Well done, Ray Publisher! That is a fascinating piece of film. I can't begin to imagine how you managed to achieve it! Were you James Bond in a previous existance?

    I know that from my standpoint, just having escaped "baptism" by the skin of my teeth, I've now come to the point where I can intensively search out all JW literature and get it out of my house. It's been a long haul to get to that point, but I know that with each bagful that goes through the front door I feel lighter and freer.

    From my standpoint it's hard to see why someone like you doesn't just walk out. It is all nonsense, and nonsense wrapped up with such mind control and pressure as to really have its participants...victims...bound around in mental chains.

    You don't have to wait to be disfellowshipped. You can just walk, like in the Paul Simon song.

    Just slip out the back. Get yourself free.

  • cedars

    Well done Eric. As I said in my YouTube comment, I can't believe how calm and composed you were. They look more nervous than you!!


  • tornapart

    You were incredible!!

  • wannabefree

    Thanks Eric. Your videos are well done and I am sure will be helpful to many.

    I can't imagine keeping my cool like you did. I tend to get emotionally charged, the voice gets louder, I fear I might start speaking in tongues LOL (joking).

    Thanks again. You are an enouragement.

  • undercover

    I'm just getting caught up on this...haven't been around in awhile.

    Up till now, I have avoided most stuff on YouTube regarding JWs, both pro and con. It's like getting in the middle of a Republican/Democrat debate. People end up preaching to their own choir and outsiders don't get it. And let's admit it, some ex-JWs are as loopy as some hard-core JWs. It can be embarrassing at times to see an ex-dub go off on some crazy rant online, giving any JW that might stumble on to it more cause to avoid anyone who decides to leave the bOrg.

    BUT - and I have a big but this time - having watched some videos recently of GB talks and now seeing Ray's video, I see the power of YouTube and other similar sites that can expose the WTS even more than ex-member message boards. A lot of us have escaped the WTS thanks to info on the Internet and now, many of those are willing to share their experiences via video/audio. A picture is worth a thousand words. You could post the transcript of the JC meeting and it would still be powerful, but to listen, to see, the actual event take is an even more powerful thing. The Internet message board was the opening volley in a battle with the WTS. Video/audio sites are like bringing up the heavy artillary in an even bigger battle... a battle that the WTS cannot win.

    Maybe outsiders still won't get it, but anyone connected to the WTS will get it. And for those that are still in, questioning, doubting, if they see these kind of videos it can hit home and cause them to open their eyes to the indoctrination that they have been under.

    Thanks, Ray/Eric, for your willingness to do this; and good luck on your trials moving forward.

  • sickandtired

    RayP, how you handled that JC was a beautiful thing to see. I cannot believe how calm and composed you were! I hope that you find happiness and closure. I'm sorry for all of your turmoil and heartache you've had along the way.

    I see the bureaucratic, legalistic way the organization is run. It's more like a business than a religion in a lot of ways. That's a lot of what helped me to wake up. If my husband had never become an elder and I may have never woken up. Funny thing is, he never divulged confidential information to me, but he would complain about how things were done sometimes. I could see his frustration after elders' meetings a lot of times.

    Recently, my hubby told me sometimes he wonders if it's all worth it..I tried to be cool. I wanted to say, "NO, IT'S NOT!!!!" I think every once and a while he starts to question things, but stuffs it down (I did that for YEARS). One day, I hope he gets tired of it and starts asking the right questions. Until then, I remain in this religion. I'm not willing to give up on him.

    Thank you for your courage, RayP. I wish I had half of it.

  • RayPublisher

    So many great comments thank you all again for your interest and love!

    Here goes:

    @ThomasCovenant - YW!

    @talesin - It had to be done, and this is my chosen form of exit from the WT cult. I wanted everyone to get their money's worth and be free to judge for themsleves.

    @Chariklo - I will doing a "making of" when I have time and showing exactly how it was done. it all it cost me was one old tie that I had to cut a hole in lol. I'm glad you never got roped into the movement like most of us here!

    @Cedars - I did sense that a little bit...that they were nervous. And I know these fellows quite well, so who knows why?? The nerves went away about two minutes after walking in the door. After that I felt totally in control and nothing to fear from them- mentally or spiritually.

    @tornapart - You are one of the sweetest friends I've made out of all of the lovely people I know through the's not fair that you are so far away. I need you to give me a REAL hug someday!!!

    @wannabefree - Yeah we did get a little loud several times, and the Spanish congregation kept tapping on the glass or knocking on the door to ask us to talk quieter. When are they gonna get a clue and make these KH back rooms a little more soundproof? It makes no sense to me.

    @undercover - Your comment and thoughts carry weight brother. Thank you for chiming in. I'm sure many are glad to see your Bogey avatar again on here!

    @sickandtired - Good luck with your husband. Remember that the battle is often won one tiny little step at a time. YOU DO HAVE COURAGE Sis! It is there deep inside of you. If you ever want to talk PM me and we can txt, skype, or call. ...Anytime.


    BTW, this is on another thread, but wanted to put it here as well:

    I have managed to almost complete the editing of the first 45 minutes of the apostasy trial, which I will try and upload this weekend. It will be called, "Apostasy Trial - Part 3", as the first two parts were introductory comments as most of you know. You may want to wear headphones so as to hear some of the fainter voices, but if you do that every word is easily heard.

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