Umm bye

by Killa 20 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • tornapart

    Try prayer, truly from your heart, no holds barred. Pour it all out to him, everything, totally honestly. (Just as Manasseh did). See what happens.

  • fakesmile

    the thread was closed before i woke up but i got to read it. you remind me of someone i know. and well to get enjoyment from intentionally harming or even wishing harm on another person i was glad to read that you have been snipped so as not to procreate. you are sick and the help you need is not going to be found on a website. your screen name said everything you left out. im not trying to be a dick but i calls em like i sees em.

    BTW, isnt there a new law that says this type of person needs to be reported. due to the rash of live suicides on fb?

  • fakesmile

    and if this is just a prank, id caution you. fbi has made suprise apperances for less than what you said.

  • breakfast of champions
    breakfast of champions

    Well, that was quick!

    But, seriously, get yourself professional help. And get someone GOOD - not necessarily the first doctor you find.

  • cedars

    Good riddance.

    I know a fake elder like you, and he's the only person I know who I think deserves to spend the rest of his life in a cult. Now he's no longer alone in that respect.

    I only feel sorry for your wife, or any of your other future victims. But there it is.


  • steve2

    Thanks Killa for saying goodbye - but it wasn't necessary. It would have helped if you had put the light on when you were here. You do come across as stumbling helplessly in the dark and then blaming others for tripping up.

    Perhaps the next step for you would be to recognize what you yourself are doing that creates your own darkness - rather than mindlessly making sweeping negative statements about what others have done.

  • MC RubberMallet
    MC RubberMallet

    No sympathy for the dude. He's aware of what he is doing, and doesn't care.

    Enjoys hurting people?

    Maybe a liar looking for attention.

    Either way, people like him needs to be locked away permanently. Unsafe ass headspace.

  • Glander

    Killa, turn off the computor, pull up your pants and go get some fresh air. And don't come back.

  • mrsjones5

    Killa who? Wait a sec...I just had a Flip Wilson flashback. Ok...Killa who?

  • rip van winkle
    rip van winkle

    MrsJones5- I remember Geraldine!!!!


    Buh, Bye, Killa.

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