Cagefighter silently entered the new system Sept 8, 2012

by Cagefighter 20 Replies latest social humour

  • wasblind

    There are a lot of GOOD PEOPLE OUT HERE IN THE WORLD!____mamochan13

    Not so, saith the WTS

    " What does the record of human history show ?

    Eccl. 8:9 " Man has dominated man to his own injury." " Every civilization that has ever existed has ultimately collapsed. So as a historian, one has to live with a sense of inevitability of tragedy.____ Henry Kissinger "_______Reasoning book page 152

    Jehovah's witnesses are a very pessimistic religion, wouldn't ya think ????

    If Cage fighter hada woke up as an active Jehovah's witness , his out look on life

    would have been a different one


  • Cagefighter

    Every civilization that has ever existed has ultimately collapsed. So as a historian, one has to live with a sense of inevitability of tragedy

    By that logic why ever do anything? Diet, Sex, Exercise, Eat, Breathe. It all ends the same....LOL

  • nuthouse escapee
    nuthouse escapee

    <<<<< JW WORLD

  • Cagefighter

    <---Like a wet blanket. No wonder I left.

  • wasblind

    " Why do Jehovah's witnesses go House to house ? "_______Reasoning book page 206

    Nuthouse escapee said

    the WT should be grateful that someone built the house so they could have the priviledge of waking them up on a Saturday morning (on their way to Starbucks) Leslie

  • Heaven

    " Some people contribute towards community improvement by providing money; others do it by volunteering their services. we go beyond that, calling at homes of people , offering to study the bible with them free of charge."________Reasoning book pages 207-208

    Hmmm... now let me see.... New Home or Litteratrash.... New Home or Litteratrash. Decisions, descisions.

  • designs

    Cagefighter- Habitat For Humanity

  • Hermano

    I love to read success stories.

  • Glander

    great comparison Cage. I worked on a HfH project a few years ago for a couple of days and it was a nice experience.

  • wasblind

    Hermano, Hermano, Hermano

    Accordin' to the WTS that is not a success story, Cage fighter has wasted

    valuable time, investing in a world that is soon to be " Out of Business "

    " IF SOMEONE SAYS-----

    why don't you people get involved in doing things to make the world ( community ) a better place to live ?

    Then perhaps add : Why do you feel that this has become such a major need? Obviously, immediate action on the matter can be beneficial, but ( Explain what we do to help people to apply bible principles in thier lives )"_____Reasoning book page 207

    Trust, when the first frost hit the ground, those folks will wish a thousand times

    they had a bible study to protect them from the cold, rather than a warm house

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