Good Jehovah's Witnesses don't miss meetings....a fact every good burglar knows.

by Balaamsass 15 Replies latest social current

  • Balaamsass

    Good JWs follow a strict fact it is posted in front of the local Kingdom Hall ! Every burglar (and stalker) simply needs to note down meeting times, and follow a few attendees home..and then wait till next week........ We were victims, were you ? Do you know any ?

    Readfield man pleads guilty to robbing homes of Jehovah's Witnesses while they are at church

    • September 07, 2012 - 5:58 am EDT

    AUGUSTA, Maine — A Readfield man authorities say robbed the homes of Jehovah's Witnesses when he knew they were at church meetings has pleaded guilty to multiple burglary and theft charges.

    Jarrod Bilodeau admitted Thursday in Kennebec County Superior Court to stealing jewelry and other items from homes in Augusta, Farmingdale, Vassalboro, Wayne and Winthrop, between Nov. 17 and Dec. 12.

    The prosecutor said the victims considered the 27-year-old Bilodeau family.

    The Kennebec Journal ( ) reports that Bilodeau will be sentenced later this month so the judge can hear from victims.

    Prosecutors and Bilodeau's attorney recommended a sentence of four years in jail with all but six months suspended and three years of probation.


    Information from: Kennebec Journal,

    (Story distributed by The Associated Press)

  • King Solomon
    King Solomon

    Gotta give him credit for thinking ahead and forming a plan? He might've been smarter though, if he targeted a religion with slightly better educated (and higher-paid) members?

  • NomadSoul

    Why do they need those things if Armageddon is around the corner?

  • King Solomon
    King Solomon

    Nomad Soul said:

    Why do they need those things if Armageddon is around the corner?

    Just a guess, but I'm thinking they need it to leave to the WTBTS when they die before Armageddon comes?

  • NomadSoul

    Lol Makes Sense

  • Balaamsass

    Stalkers and Burglars also know "good" JWs are unarmed as well....just in case they decide to take their time.............

  • aposta-Z

    I remeber as a kid (I must have been 5 years-old so 1982-ish) we got robbed while we were at the Wednesday night meeting. :S
    Nothing new here.


    Glad I am not a " good " JW. According to our Elder's they are alarmed because of low meeting attendance. I guess burglars have a tough time in my territory!!

  • Balaamsass

    Thought I would BTT this while the new Yearbook experience of the couple spared a plane crash because of attending a meeting is fresh in everyones mind.

    For those with mates who never miss a meeting......REMIND THEM: being an unpredictable meeting attender throws off burglars "casing" your home.....

  • jwfacts

    We were burgled on a meeting night when I was a kid. It was a professional operation according to the police, because they must have had a truck due to the volume of large items taken. The police said the thieves would have watched our house for a few weeks to know our routine, and know we were going to be gone at night for a couple of hours.

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