Good Jehovah's Witnesses don't miss meetings....a fact every good burglar knows.

by Balaamsass 15 Replies latest social current

  • mamochan13

    yep. I had my house broken into while I was at a meeting. My ward was home at the time, tho, and they were foiled.

  • raymond frantz
    raymond frantz

    We were broken into by a family friend's son ,who realised that we were at the meeting every thursday ans sunday.We came home just in time as we was running off the back door ...All draws opened and missing jewelery .We had a quite word with his mother later and he returned everything ,my dad didn't report him to the police! to save the family the embarrasment

  • Room 215
    Room 215

    " The prosecutor said the victims considered the 27-year-old Bilodeau family." ... so it appears the burglar likely was a JW, no?

  • cobaltcupcake

    OMG, I used to live in Vassalboro! Didn't attend a cong in Augusta, though.

  • Balaamsass


    Good Catch! The update on the story shows he was a suspect by most of the different towns. follow the update link!

  • heathen

    I find it interesting that a dub would turn to the police in these matters anyway. The bible clearly states not involvement with the worldly system and to forgive , yet they quickly drop all their dogma in these cases . Living a modest simple life would mean not having anything of value anyway , they seem so hypocritical on the issues of worldly involvement and will even site roman 13 whenever cornered of which I believe is a fraudulent scripture anyway , romans killed people for sport entertainment

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