Mrs Cedars and I try an interesting diet...

by cedars 30 Replies latest jw friends

  • Dagney

    I started doing that a few years ago, and would mix fruit juice or cranberry juice cocktail for flavor. Then I got one of those soda makers and it was even cheaper.

  • jgnat

    Hey! A diet a diabetic can warm up to!


    Through the years I've given up sugar, fatty foods, dietary vice after the other. I refused to give up my diet pepsi, my preferred morning -pick-me-up.

    Two factors conspired against me in the past month. My doctor urged me to "redouble my efforts", and a fellow employee suggested I give up Aspartame.


    On principle, I stand by my conviction that Aspartame is safe. Double-blind tests on human subjects and all that. BUT...there wasn't much left to cut in my diet. I decided to forego the pop (soda to my southern neighbours), and I replaced it with fizzy spring water. I still desire a tickle on my tongue, and I fool myself in to thinking I'm getting more. I keep a sidekick squeeze lime bottle nearby.

    NOW the diet pepsi tastes sickeningly sweet. I was DRINKING that stuff?


    Wine, only wine for the weekends (rarely beer-sorry I prefer wine ;-) ) and some juice for the kids and viola, no money waste for health damaging chemicals.

  • still thinking
    still thinking

    I love soda water...and my favourite is the no name brand one in the supermarket. The others seem flat after theirs. I add all sorts of different juices to it. Blackcurrant for the kids. Or mix half with apple or orange juice...jummmmmm.

  • ziddina

    If you really want a yummy, healthy drink, try 50% fizzy water & 50% pure fruit juices....

    I love Perrier ™ with concord grape juice - better than a grape fizz!!

  • Sam Whiskey
    Sam Whiskey

    Milk! I love milk! I know this is odd for a grown man to say, but I love milk... especially chocolate milk after a workout. I go through about a gallon (white milk) every other day.

    When I was a kid (17 or so) I worked on a dairy farm. When the Darigold milk truck would come around to pick up the tanks full of fresh milk (ice cold by the way and whole milk at that - not even separated from the cream) he would finish by disconnecting the hose from tank in the milking parlor. That last bit of fresh milk to trickle out of the tank was my cue to place my cup under the opening of empty tank.

    It was like nothing else on this earth!!! I'm hooked on milk, I'm an addict...

  • sizemik

    I don't drink alcohol (liver cirrohsis) or soda, or fruit juice (diabetes), but enjoy a cup of tea.

    Whatever I imbibe or ingest, I endeavour to grow myself if possible. Nuff said.

    Consequently, I'm a very healthy sick old happy bastard.

  • MrsCedars

    My favourite drink is good old still water anyway, coffee and unsweatened herbal teas are my comfort drinks, which are allowed in this diet. Apart from missing a glass of wine with my dinner I must say that this diet is great.

  • ziddina

    Hey! Mrs. Cedars is cute!!

    Hi, Mrs. Cedars!! I like your hat!

    Zid - the board's She-Devil

  • MrsCedars

    Thank you Zid! You are a great lady and a S he-Devil to boot!

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