Do you ever just start CRYING for apparently no reason?

by Terry 32 Replies latest jw friends

  • Terry

    I spoke to a friend of mine about this not too long ago.

    We are "of a certain age".

    The subject came up somehow.

    I'll be watching a TV commercial or I'll see some people in a park or a simple passing thought will suddenly induce a profound

    sense of---well, how to describe it? Either one of: Beauty, Sadness, Profound understanding, Loss, compassion.....

    The point is not "what" starts the flow as much as the fact it seems to happen more and more as I grow older.

    I see things differently now.

    My sense of the FINALITY of life is securely founded in my personal experiences.

    I have seen the beginning of people's lives and the ending.

    I see families begin and I see them break apart.

    I see little babies grow before my eyes and turn into middle aged adults with wrinkles!

    It just gets to me. Sometimes. Not always.

    How about you?

    Do you ever just sit quietly by yourself and sob?

    Since I got out of the hospital on Sunday this has happened to me a couple of times.

    Am I discovering some profound truth or just wallowing in self-indulgent moroseness?

    Any insights?

  • Cagefighter

    A combination of lowering testosterone levels and experiences that make you realize how this world can be the best and worst place all at the same time.

    My two cents. Glad your back!

    However, uncontrollable responses to stimuli should be checked out for hormonal or other issues. From what you said, it's just stopping to smell the roses nothing to worry about there as long as you can move on with the rest of your day.

  • d

    Yes i have realized that now that I am 21 going on 22. I have seen a lot of children I knew now becoming full grown adults. So Terry what you are experiencing is nothing out of the norm.

  • troubled mind
    troubled mind

    Yes ,I was just telling my husband this the other day . We are both early 50's and he said he feels the same way . I thought it was hormones ,but maybe not .

    Terry you have been through a very trying experience and your body and spirit have been stressed to maximum . I think things will even out for you as you heal . Glad you are out of the hospital !



    Glad to see that you're feeling better! Sometimes we all take life for granted and think nothing can happen to us!

    My wife and I were on a 10 day cruise. The weather was wonderful and the food was the best we've ever had on a cruise. As we were eating lunch outside overlooking the deep blue ocean, I started crying like a baby. I was on a beautiful cruise ship and all of a sudden I began to think of my cousin who passed away from cancer a year ago on this date. My wife wanted to know what was wrong with me. I told her that life was unfair. Here we were on a beautiful cruise ship enjoying ourselves and my cousin who died at the age of 52 was in her grave. She left 4 children and a wonderful husband.

    We left and stayed in our cabin until I stopped crying.


    An empty Beer Fridge can make Me Cry..

    ................................ ...OUTLAW

  • sd-7

    Well, I think when crying happens for no apparent reason, at least in my case it's the aftereffects of what I've heard described as a 'significant emotional event'. There are specific images or situations that can reach into those memories and trigger that sort of feeling. When you've been wounded emotionally, sometimes it's easier to start crying than it was before the wound.

    But perhaps pondering the brevity of life can cause that. Especially when one is reminded of one's own mortality, as happens more and more often with the passing of time. It sucks.


  • panhandlegirl

    Terry, crying releases tension. You have been through quite an ordeal. Infection is hard on the body.

    It takes time for the body to regain its equilibrium after being as sick as you were.

    Sometimes we are unconsciously worried about something or contemplating something and the

    emotion expresses itself in a physical manner. I think it’s a common phenomenon. For the last few

    months, I have found myself feeling profoundly sad when I return to work every week.

    It has nothing to do with going to work as I love my work. I am at a loss to explain the feeling.

    I hope you get to feeling better.

  • 3rdgen

    Terry, Many good thoughts so far. I'd like to add that for several months after my surgery last winter I had bouts of crying for no appearent reason as well.

    My hubby would try to help me "reframe" by pointing out all the positives in our life compared to a few years ago-to no avail. I think 2 things were in play for me at this time. 1: A reaction to coming off the anesthiesa and pain meds. 2. After the adrenaline of the phyisical pain and emotional anxiety of illness had subsided I released the emotions that had pent up during the crisis. Maybe this is the case for you.

    I'll give you an example of my theory: I have a relative who had two babys (only 16mos apart) who were born with a rare disease similar to muscular dystrophy but advanced faster and more severe. She cared for them at home (along with 2 other healthy young children) as long as she could but at about age two they had to be hospatilized. For 7 and 3 years respectivly she watched them both suffer terribly and die. All during the ordeal she remained an active JW and devoted wife and mother. However, AFTER the crisis she had a complete nervous breakdown with non-stop crying. While we HAVE to be strong we usually are. When it is safe to unravel then we do.

    I have a hunch your crying will lessen over the next few months as you gain your physical strength and purge the residue from the meds and stress

    my 2 cents

  • Glander

    consumption of adult beverages during a period of emotional introspection can often lead to tears.

    When I heard that Terry was in the hospital with a serious infection...I stayed away from alcohol.

    I received a late evening phone call from a relative a couple of weeks ago whom I have not talked to in awhile. They started by saying that they had had a few drinks. They proceeded to get very maudlin and sobbing. I was as comforting as I could be and we signed off. Haven't heard from them since.

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