Why Not To Forsake Your Christian Heritage

by Dogpatch 24 Replies latest jw friends

  • rip van winkle
    rip van winkle

    Cofty that is because you are no longer a believer. There are some that still believe. There are others who don't know anything anymore. (My hand is raised) And for those who are just coming to the realization that they have been lied to and mislead is difficult enough.

    I recall reading that after you left the JW's you were a part of another religion. It took you several years to get to where you are now.

  • DavePerez

    As part of that "vacation", I'd strongly encourage anyone to take a course in basic logic which analyzes commonly-used claims people use to construct and support arguments. It's only when you study the flawed logical appeals commonly used by groups like WT that you're finally able to see what it was that the WT used to attract you. Fool one once, shame on them; fool you twice?

    The essay above relies on an 'appeal to tradition', as if a Christian tradition (heritage) exists which has value: however, questioning the benefit of thais belief is the very question at stake, so the essay is recycling the discussion.

    The article then lists the practical benefits provided to people in being a Christian (eg being a part of a sub-community, which is of variable value: wonderful if you are willing to sacrifice free though to fit into a group, but pure hell if you're not), but none of these benefits alter the reality of God's apparent non-existence: reality doesn't care about what you WANT it to be. Reality is not a vote, or based on popular opinion. It is what it is.

    PS interesting claim of being allowed by the Bible to take "a vacation from God"? What's the scriptural basis for that concept, or is this relayed from those who claim to hear the voice of God? I suppose a good argument could be made that its only fair, being that God has seemingly gone on a 2,000 yr long vacation from humanity without even sending a postcard, so turnabout is fair play?

  • Terry

    My own experiences with Jehovah's Witnesses taught me negative thinking, suspicion of the beliefs of others.

    The scratches on my goodwill toward spiritual people are deep.

    The irony is that I "speak the language" of christianity. I know my bible and I'm conversant.

    So, I end up seeking out people who also can communicate in that 2nd language. Weird, huh?

    I UNDERSTAND where they are coming from....so...I'm comfortable being uncomfortable with christians.

    Sweet and sour sauce, I suppose.

    I've been invited to many churches of all kinds. I politely refuse.

    I'm way too likely to say something all of us will regret.

    Sad, isn't it?

  • cyberjesus

    Maybe... The whole notion of a Christ is a fantasy....

    I am taking a break from spirituality..... I am going back to my human being heritage

  • Terry

    I am taking a break from spirituality..... I am going back to my human being heritage

    I nominate that for bumper sticker of the year!

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