Religious extremism at its worst - the Taliban behead 17 people for having a party

by cedars 44 Replies latest jw friends

  • J. Hofer
    J. Hofer

    in bible times, if there wasn't a beheading, you didn't call it a real party.

    rather be in hades, your church sounds a lot like dudeism - is this a dudeist sect or rather a dudeist order?

  • rather be in hades
    rather be in hades

    it's a currently evolving sect of dudeism.

    we believe the dude is the messiah, but our saints are ren and stimpy.

    we also encourage, but of course do not require, herbal medicines of the happy kind. this is to aid in understanding the teachings of ren, stimpy and powdered toast man.

  • apostatethunder

    Fanatics are dangerous, whether they are religious or not. In Afghanistan you can be stoned for adultery, under Communism you could lose your life for just being a Christian.

  • tootired2care

    Fanatics are dangerous, whether they are religious or not. In Afghanistan you can be stoned for adultery, under Communism you could lose your life for just being a Christian.

    AT - Good point, my focus was too narrow on the specifics of this thread which does have a religious context. Religion, communism, despots all have one key component in common, they trample all over freedom. Hopefully one day the ideals that trample freedom, namely religion, and systems of government (communism, dictatorships) will be defunct. I don't see this happening in my lifetime, but that won't stop me from advocating freedom in any small way that I can.

  • Glander

    Yes, evil is still rampant in the world, and we must maintain a strong military force to protect ourselves as well as those we can help to fight off criminal exploitation by thug governments.

    Just as in the UK and other European nations, Islamic extrememists, Sharia law, etc. has migrated all over the world and the US all have shown the same befuddlement at their inroads.

    A caveman religion is a real threat to our progressive world. PC dogma is proving to be a weak spot in our immune system.

  • straightshooter

    Sadly the Taliban and such groups survive by inflicting pain and death upon individuals. They want ones to "fear" them and not work against them.

  • Glander

    Beheadings, suicide slaughters and other forms of evil violence are their weapons. Those who dither over respect for 'religious' freedom are fools.

    As with most fools, they are being exploited with their eyes wide open. You folks in the UK know how insidious Muslims can be.

  • james_woods

    Muslim apologists can harp all day long on how medieval christianity killed people in the name of religion.

    Yes, they did - but they also reformed. Many centuries ago.

    There is only one major religion in the 21st century that is still killing people in the name of religion.

    And we all know what that religion is.

  • tootired2care

    What James said, how can we be tolerant of a religion in the west that is STILL practicing such barbaric things as a mainstream way?

  • rather be in hades
    rather be in hades
    Yes, they did - but they also reformed. Many centuries ago.

    i wouldn't count the 1940s as many centuries ago

    " ...Without a doubt, many Catholics truly acted Christ-like by helping their neighbors in their time of need. However, this number was much too small, especially among the more powerful Catholics such as the Franciscans, the Jesuits, the clergy, the bishops (Stepinac), and, most importantly, “His Holiness” Pope Pius XII. Amid all questions, cover-ups, and misleading information, we do know a number of things. We know that Pius and Pavelic did not condemn the Ustasha or Hitler’s anti-Semitic policies, and we know that the Pope did not attempt to halt the killings, the forced conversions, or the stealing of Orthodox property. We also know that Pope Pius XII later elevated Stepinac to the position of cardinal..."

    there's some good christians, some terrible ones (westboro baptist?), there's some good muslims and plenty bad ones.

    i don't see the point of forgiving one while pointing the finger at the other. all of these "holy texts" are up for interpretation and exploitation by some serious asshats

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