The guilt factor

by MoodyBlue 14 Replies latest jw friends

  • MoodyBlue

    I was talking to the hubby over the weekend. I mentioned the fact that so much of what witnesses do seems to be driven by guilt. He said "yes, that's because they have a conscience." I said, "I don't think there's any reason though to feel guilty if u miss service or meetings, yet we're always being made to feel that way from the platform." He didn't say anything to that, but he knows I HATE how we're always be told to do more more more.

    But it got me thinking HOW much the publications actually use guilt or fear tactics to get us to be "faithful witnesses." I can't help but wonder how many witnesses are driven more by fear or a guilty conscience. I know personally that it's a terrible feeling to have in u all the time...

    Comments, anyone??

  • logical

    Yes, I recall not long ago, at the end of last year, I wasnt feeling too well so I didnt go to the meeting.

    I didn't get "Oh, how are you, feeling any better now" - instead I got "So-and-so's wife is very ill and that family still get to the meetings"

    I felt very bad. But that was then. I wont let them make me feel guilty again.

    BUT, what is so bad about staying home because of illness?

  • happytobefree

    It's wonderful how the mind control, stops us from seeing that we are made to feel guilty. Now that I have a clear mind, and when I was still receiving my watchtower and awake in the mail (I let it expire, they use to renew for me, well whatever), I would read the titles, What is this World so Horrible? When will their be no mor Sickness? Why is the World so Immoral? (Not real titles, but you get the point). And then I would think, how many times do they print something that is encouraging. How many talks have you heard that was totally positive. And when I ask myself, I realized that I had not heard many, if not NONE.

    And to let you know, the mindset of the JW. My mom told me her new Circuit Overseer was cleaning house, he had demoted, deleted 3 ministrial servants and 1 elder from their congregation. And he was making some real changes (she was speaking as if this was positive). I commented, What did he tell your congregation that was upbulding, what WERE you doing right. She chuckled and said, well we have alot to work on. So you can see, JW are conditioned to hear misery and think of it as encourgement. This is SO sad.

    Happy to Be Free (Me)

  • trevor

    Hello Moody Blue,

    You are right the JWS do use 'the guilt factor' along with 'the fear factor' -fear of lossing favour of bros/sisters/God.

    On 12th. January, Redhorse Woman posted an excellent quote of author Steve Hassan, ex-moonie. It showed how cults use these and other teqniques to keep mwmbers in line. It was so good I printed it off. 3 A4 pages! Worth a read. See under 'Living a Lie' 12th. January.

    see ya


  • RedhorseWoman

    Guilt is present in every aspect of a JW's life. If you read a novel, you are made to feel guilty that you aren't using your time wisely. If you go to some sort of recreational activity instead of a Sunday meeting, you are made to feel guilty that you are putting fleshly pleasure ahead of Jehovah. If you as a parent become inactive, you are made to feel guilty that you are condemning your children to death because of your lax attitude.

    Anything that is not directly related to WT activities and pursuits becomes a reason for guilt.

  • eyes_opened


    Indeed. I wouldn't call the feelings that are cultivated in the kingdom hall "A bible trained conscience" But more "the WTBTS interprets the bible this way, and so it must be right conscience"
    If they were indeed Gods inspired tools for delivering the good news, why are they so scared of open discussion? If they were indeed God true orginization, nothing could stop the way of the almighty Gods will being done.
    Tell hubby, moody that Guilt and conscience are two different things aren't they? Guilt is what is felt by being a member of The Orginization, because no matter how much you do in the congregation it's really never enough for them. Surely there is morsel of time that could be spent reading of re-reading one of the publications? Surley there must be some time that we could use to do informal witnessing. What? You are reading the RedBook that came in the mail today, and you haven't read The latest watchtower cover to cover first? TSK TSK TSK. JWs are walking guilt machines. God doesn't want his people to have to live like this! We are supposed to be happy and joyful. This is one of my major gripes with the orginization. Also, isn't A conscience what tells us deep in our hearts that somethings is just plain right or wrong <kind of like the feelings I get when I sit at a's me looking around at the meeting....."ya know...there's something wrong here...can't quite place my finger on it...but it just feels...WRONG somehow"> NOW that's a conscience LOL..
    You have a good heart Moody, you just keep on thinking and we'll be here to think along with ya!

  • ianao

    Hello eyes_opened.

    God doesn't want his people to have to live like this! We are supposed to be happy and joyful.

    Be careful with statements like this, an acute witness looking for a convert would beg to differ, and he could show you a slew of scripture to back it up. (As I am sure you already know). To them, it's not a matter of being happy now, but of being happy later. and later... and later... and later...

  • eyes_opened

    Aint that the truth! I told my hubby I'm going to become an "Imaginite" a religion totally based on John Lennons song "Imagine"

    Imagine all the for today....

    What a concept...enjoying the present!!

  • thinkers wife
    thinkers wife

    Oh the memories! So much more edifying to live without it. My mother (still an active witness) has accused me of living just for today. I say, Yes I am and loving every minute of it. And isn't it about time after forty one years. As L'Oreal would say, "I'm worth it".

  • eyes_opened

    Hey TW,

    I hope that one day I can really obtain that freedom of spirit! I am truly disillusioned with ALL religion. It seems like no matter WHAT name it calls itself, all it has done is caused wars, break up families <JW's haven't caused any wars that I know of, but boy have they done the latter on a vast scale> And cause dissention. And all this done in the name of God! I am taking a break from it all I think til I can see straight again But wild horses couldn't keep me away from this discussion forum though! Talk about refreshing...Let's hear it for freedom of speech! WOOHOOOOOOO!

    One Persons Heresy Is Anothers Truth

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