New Atheism+ calls for “middle-class white cis-man” Dawkins to move over.

by bohm 47 Replies latest jw friends

  • bohm

    you two have your own forum now? what dayes and their fancy forums...

  • 00DAD

    I was merely observing that I have noticed on many occasions on internet discussion groups such as this, when ever someone criticizes Dawkins the threads take a definite turn as this one clearly has.

    Please note that at no time in this discussion have I commented on either Dawkins' beliefs or his manners.

    I was merely commenting on what usually happens to threads that invoke his name.


  • cofty

    Hi NC doing ok thanks will PM you later....

  • NewChapter

    Bohm has a pm.

    Yeah, but 00dad---if someone brings Dawkins into the conversation and criticizes him, then it's pretty natural that someone would come on and counter that. Especially because his work has helped a lot of us understand science and learn critical thinking skills. I'm not a disciple of Dawkins, and when people pull that crappy label it's pretty disrepectful (not that believers are ever disrespectful, only atheists are) but he did make a lot of complicated information easy for me to understand.

    I'm just saying that by criticizing someone for speaking up for Dawkins is not criticizing an idea, but the person for finding value in the work Dawkins has done and for saying so. It just hit me wrong.

  • 00DAD

    Cofty, you have a PM.

    NC, sorry it hit you wrong. Why did you take it personally? Again, I didn't and haven't criticized Dawkins. I was merely making an observation and the way this thread has turned validates that observation. It's the Scientific Method in action!

    I completely understand your response that " if someone brings Dawkins into the conversation and criticizes him, then it's pretty natural that someone would come on and counter that. " That's only logical.

    What isn't logical is the inevitable personal attacks that usual follow against the person that offered the criticism. That is NOT logical.

  • King Solomon
    King Solomon

    NC said:

    You are a blight on the atheist community!

    Dammit! Sorry.... I know where the corner is, NC, so I just go stand in it....

    How long this time? 15 minutes?

    BTW, when I was a little kid, I would be sent to the corner for a time-out, but I got even with my parents by licking the paint... Doh! Hope it wasn't lead-based paint, now that I think of it, LOL!!!

    What isn't logical is the inevitable personal attacks that usual follow against the person that offered the criticism. That is NOT logical.

    Ohh, and where did I do that?

    (Checking 1st page....) Nope, not there....

    Thanks for another tempest in a teapot, 00Dad, bringing what happens on "other forums" into this thread....

    Sab said:

    That just makes him a hypocrite. Bullies shouldn't preach against bullying until they stop bullying themselves for an extended period of time. Dawkins calling his newest book the "magic of reality" is simply not enough. This would be a good time to STFU.

    Uh, how does his calling others to stand up for their fact-based beliefs make one a hypocrit? Sorry, Sab, but once again you fail to use any version of logic in your "bullying" diatribe that makes coherent sense to anyone but you...

  • 00DAD

    King Solomon you have a PM

  • NewChapter

    I didn't see any personal attacks. I feel like I'm missing a chunk of infor here.

  • sabastious
    Sab, people create movements all the time that aren't religions. Religions need to have some kind of supernatural element. Otherwise they are just earthbound ideologies. There is no supernatural in any movement driven by atheists. And all atheists don't agree with all movements, nor would be interested. You can't define the principles an atheist lives by, because it simply describes that they don't believe there is any evidence for gods. Beyond that----anything is possible. But I do find that most atheists I meet are not suffering under ancient morals and culture, so they tend to be a great deal more tolerant of many things. But I'm sure there are sexist, racist atheists out there. Yet science does not support them, and most atheists I know have some respect for science, but not all of them.

    The only way I know this comment pertains to me is because it has my name in it. Point????


  • slimboyfat

    Dawkins was ungallant about the woman on the lift, at the very least. And his attacks on postmodernism are far from rational, and badly aimed as well.

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