Would you go running back?

by Nambo 29 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Nambo

    If the tribulations started tomorrow, and all you knew of the Bible was what the JWs had told you, would you suddenly think, "They said this would happen, and it is, therefore they must be right", and go running back?

    Or would you think, "just because eventually Biblical prophiesies came to pass that "they" had read you from the Bible, doesnt mean they are the chosen religion, because they get all these other doctrines wrong", and know these doctrines well enough to be able to convince yourselves.

    Replies such as "It wont happen cause its a fairy story" wont really help.

  • tootired2care

    Knowing what I know now, no way could I resume support of one of the biggest scams in the last century. If this is the best gawd can do, he can have it.

    Putting it another way - If it were gawds chosen religion (which facts that it's not), and I came back, it would imply that I would be just fine with living in eternity, in a way that is similair, if not verbatim as the so called "spiritual paradise" - forgleam of future - aweful life that the GB has created for their members. Their life is a life of burden, uncertainty, and guilt, always keep doing more (see sundays WT). Why would anyone want that for all eternity? Do you really think you're going to have freedom in paradise? Think again, and have fun with all those meetings and bible studies your still going to be burdened with.

  • apostatethunder

    Somebody should ask them how come they were announcing Catholicism in particular would fall so many decades in advance.

  • jemba

    If it were all true it would be too late to go running back at the last minute wouldnt it? You havent shown any faith in the 'true God/religion'.

    But we know without doubt that even if there were a God up there that gave a toss, this would NEVER be his true religion.

    So NO nothing could frighten me into going back to that cult.

  • DesirousOfChange

    It's already happening. Everytime there is a Tsasumi or of terrorist attack *(think 9/11) there are droves who return to the WTS. And maybe you haven't noticed but there already IS a tribulation for many in the piece-of-shit economy permiating the world market. This is the best recruiting instrument there is.


  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite

    "If the tribulations started tomorrow, and all you knew of the Bible was what the JWs had told you..."

    The JWs told me that the Bible promised that the tribulation would begin before the generation of 1914 passed away. And they said that the preaching work would be finished in the 20th century. What the JWs had told me about the Bible was completely unreliable.

    More importantly, according to their prophecies, the tribulation couldn't just start tomorrow. The King of the North still has prophecies to fulfill that would take years. The United Nations needs to grow some teeth and claws. That's not going to happen overnight. Certainly no cry of "peace and security" happening tonight. Governments turning on and destroying organized religion? You gotta be kidding if anybody thinks Islam would disappear without a significant international battle with the death of tens of millions before government could ever destroy religion.

    The events of the tribulation as they describe are basically impossible. And if I saw governments begin taxing religion, I wouldn't see it as WT necessarily being correct about a prophecy. I'd probably just stand back and watch them sell more property. So what would there be for anyone to go running back to?

  • simon17

    Of course. It is healthy and natural for any human to want to do anything (and I mean anything) in order to continue surviving. Anyone who says otherwise I believe either to be messed up in some way, or is just talking idealistically.

    That said, it would have to be really clear. Not just some big disaster. It would have to be the UN turning on all religions, wiping them all out and having only JWs left, then the world turns on them, etc.

  • Gothicus

    It would be ironic if the Org fell apart before the Catholic Church.

  • OnTheWayOut

    I will not try to say the obvious flaws in your posted question. Even though WTS has already been wrong many times, the essence of what you are asking is "What if events showed they are right about the end of this system of things?"

    I would rather be dead than serve that God. No running back for me.

  • apostatethunder

    Running back? To the zoo? If what they say started to happen more reason not to go back, but start running in the opposite direction.

    They should call themselves “The Lie” instead of “The Truth”. They are the modern day Pharisees.

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