Has Anyone Invited You to the Memorial?

by Prisca 54 Replies latest jw friends


    Hi Oz

    It only applies to the dfed who have made changes in their lives i.e not smoking any more, not living together and certainly not any apostates, which probally excludes all dfed any way.

    Will you be attending Oz for old times sake??????

    From snowy England


  • freddi

    Hi All,
    I was invited to the Memorial twice in the past week. I also was noticed by phone and I had a flier left at my door. I don't plan on attending. I am trying to find real peace and security within my own life.

  • Rummy1

    beck "not ay home (or s-8)" slips were banned acouple of years ago (in uk anyway),due to data protection act,so what they do is scribble n.h's on scraps of paper instead but they can't be distributed!!

  • LB

    The only one that has invited us is the ex-husband of one of our best friends. Since she left him and got DFed he started studying (after 20 years) and now is mr. zealous. My inside source tells me that he's been gently warned to stay away from us but isn't bright enough to see the warning flags.

    The regulars will stay away as though we're infected.

    Never Squat With Yer Spurs On

  • 2SYN

    I strongly doubt that they would try and invite me, even if they could track me down, because my family no longer lives in the same suburb...cool.

    The earlier in the forenoon you take the sun bath, the greater will be the beneficial effect, because you get more of the ultra-violet rays, which are healing. - The Golden Age

  • concerned mama
    concerned mama

    I'm curious about what I just read.....you mean that worldly people are invited to the memorial too???????

  • lv4fer

    I'm going to attend and then partake at home. I would just not go, I hate the idea that they will COUNT me in their numbers of memorial attendance, but I feel it is so important to remember what Jesus did for us and my kids wouldn't understand. So I guess I must go!


    I guess my family will not be invited, since our little family is suppose to be the most 'dangerous apostates' in Utah. Last years gossip was we were suppose to have had a huge gathering at our home to celebrate our own special memorial. We had a few laughs over that. My question is, if the JWs were at the memorial how would they know what was going on at my home? Another good question is, Were we even home that night? I love their lies, cause it keeps them away from me. But, this is the fuel that keeps the JWs strong.

    Maybe this year we should send out invitations to quite a few JWs and see what will happen. No, bad idea, my time and money (stamps, envelope, spit) is too valuable. They'll just have to sip and chip without us again and I could care less.

    Life goes on without the WTBTS.

  • concerned mama
    concerned mama

    If you want to partake, go to another church's service where everyone is welcome. You won't be counted in Hall stats then, and you will be able to teach your kids about Jesus all you want.

    I know that the church that I attend is very low key and anyone who is baptised (including those baptised as infants) is welcome to partake (take communion). It is left up to the individual to decide if it is right for them.

    Would it be the leftover of the JW teaching about all other churches being Satan's organization, that stops so many from going elsewhere if they want to partake?

  • lv4fer

    I agree with you mama, I would probably like to go to another church service. There is a couple of problems, my kids aren't ready to leave the borg, (I've trained them all too well ages 17 and 13). I don't know of any churches that commemorate the memorial on the proper night. Most do the Easter thing. I am currently still a witness (from all appearances) again for my kids sake. I am un-brainwashing them slowly.

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