My son and Elder janitor

by jam 45 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • jam

    My son recently out of the Coast Guard, in training for

    supervisor,(a program set up by business companies for

    returning veterans). This past week an elderly gentleman

    walk into his office to empty the trash cans. OK you know

    where Iam going with this. My son never baptize. Since

    my son was alone in the office the janitor, (get some witness time).

    When he begain my son told him he was raised a JW.

    As soon as my son said that he thought, why did I say that.

    Of course the Elder went crazy. When are you coming back,

    you need to start your study and etc. My son told him, no way.

    My son told me why in the hell would I want to become a JW,

    this man have been here with this company for 30 yrs.(emptying my trash cans.)

    Then after talking to co-workers, the man is known to be

    consumer of alcohol, a lot of alcohol.

  • Phizzy

    Sad to see that the indoctrination has imprisoned the old boys mind, but also his "soul", his real self is so buried so deep by the WT crap that he thinks working in "modest" employment and shoving his religion down the throats of anybody who will listen is a good thing.

    I guess that the Cognitive Dissonance he suffers is getting to him, and Alcohol relieves it for a bit, he then feels guilty and feels compelled to expunge his "sin" by preaching.

    Well done to your son, let them know positively that they are peddling Bull S**t I say.

  • smiddy

    Their are a lot of closet alchoholics within the JW ranks


  • 3rdgen

    Well Jam, there is so much in your story to observe. Aren't you glad your son was smart enough to leave and develop the skills/education to land a good job?

    regarding Phizzy's comment: haven't you noticed that most of the most uber zealous Jw's are doing the catholic equivelent of pennance? Some hidden (or not so hidden) sin drives them to try harder-do more?

    I think I might start a thread asking that question.

  • sir82
    Their are a lot of closet alchoholics within the JW ranks

    Closet? Pfffft!

    The ones here drink to excess openly.

  • King Solomon
    King Solomon

    Your son should complain to the company about the crazy janitorial person who feels his job description includes prostelyzing religion on company time... That is soooo against most company policies, that janitor elder best start lining up his next job....

  • GromitSK

    I don't get the issue. If you tell someone who is a JW that you were/are one, how would you expect them to react?

  • wasblind

    Gromit, What gave that JW the right to tell Jams son what he need to do

    Jams son did not ask for advice. He jus' said he used to be one

    Think of it another way, If someone tells you they used to live in california

    would your reply be " When are you gonna go back , you need to get packed" ????

    without knowin' why they left in the first place ????

  • GromitSK

    I am not saying it is right to give unsolicited advice, however what reaction would you expect if you mention it to someone who is a witness? It isn't like they are neutral. They're unlikely to say nothing about it. Either they will regard him as someone to be avoided or someone who needs to be back in the collective. They will probably assume that person has some common values like two masons meeting lol. IMHO he got a perfectly predictable (over)reaction from this guy.

    I think the reaction is fairly typical (for a witness), if lacking sublety - remember they think the world is about to end,why view it negatively, perhaps he thought he was doing something to help.

    As for an alcohol problem, does this make him a bad person? Was he presenting himself as some sort of paragon of virtue to the ex witness?

    As for the California comment, there are plenty of places to live so it wouldn't be sensible, I agree. For witnesses there is (sadly) only one possible place to be - in the hive.

  • wasblind

    Thank you for givin' me a broader perspective on your view GromitSK

    As for his problem wit alcohol, if he has one

    I only see that as an escape for those who can't

    any other way . Yes Its sad

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