New light or did the speaker just pull this out his wazoo?

by pubtruth 37 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • earthfire

    How just plaind stupid of them. If you take their logic an apply it to "today's" number of people on the planet is one thing but since we have no idea of when their Armageddon is coming then we have no idea of how many people will be on the planet when that time comes. Just silly drivel! lol

    The more numbers they throw out there the more obvious their false teachings become.

  • JWOP

    The guy probably didn't write a long enough talk, so he had to "pad" it with extra information and nonsense that would sound important.

  • PaintedToeNail

    I thought most of these DC talks were manuscript talks these days, monitored by some dolt in headphones, who read the manuscript whilst with brother read the talk. The dolt listened to make sure that the speaker wasn't inserting some of his own ideas into the talk. There was a little room, where this dolt was squestered. Maybe they don't do it for Spanish DCs.

  • GromitSK

    Disgusting - this is a clear violation of the European Working Time Directive.Why bother with angels anyway why not just get every JW to kill a few people personally like in the old days?

  • slimboyfat

    "New light or did the speaker just pull this out his wazoo?"

    I find it odd that you present these options as alternatives to one another, when it appears to me they naturally coincide.

  • the-illuminator81

    Aaah the planets revolve around Pleiades. Silly me thinking they revolve around the sun.

  • willyloman

    Add to list of requirements for convention speakers:

    47. Don't have to be bat shit crazy, but it helps.

    p.s. I made up the number, 47. Have no idea how many requirements there actually are.

  • 00DAD

    Let's review, they make this shit up as they go along without really thinking it through enough to see if it makes sense or if acceptance of some of these stupid, ill-conceived ideas won't come back later to bite them in their proverbial asses!

    Here is an axiom of JW culture that:

    If an Elder/CO/DO/GB guy says a whacky, crazy "theological" idea to you casually in conversation over coffee or whatever, it's just him talking nonsense; BUT,

    If that same man says if from the platform it is: Nu-Lite TM from Jehovah, and it is wondrous in our eyes!

    Stupid is as stupid does.


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