So, I'm probably not an Infidel, per se..

by freeflyingfaerie 20 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • freeflyingfaerie

    It's becoming apparent that there are a zillion different names for a zillion different beliefs/non-beliefs out there. Without pigeon-holing myself under a particular definition, there are a few of which I can pretty closely identify with for the time being. Maybe Agnostic, and then also appreciating the Freethought pansies. Ultimately, I believe coming to any self-realization is a personal journey, with others as guides ~~trusting our inner voice above any guide, though.

    I have not yet fully concentrated my energies toward getting a better understanding to be certain enough to completely dismiss the idea of any supernatural force(s), or an afterlife. So I cannot say with any certainty either way...hence, agnostic leanings.

    I have an inner sense that there is some force(s) maybe in another dimension that we just don't understand..and with that idea I reserve the possibility that we may all come to a better understanding in an 'afterlife'. A part of me really wants to believe this, that there is more meaning to the mysteries, beauties, and even suffering of this present life here. An intelligent design of some sort..

    ..but, these could merely be ghost fragments of the indoctrinization of religion I was saturated in since the womb. Maybe on some level I wnt to believe certain aspects of 'divine' forces in another realm because it may just have been a bit much up to this point to completely dissolve any remains of any 'faith' I ever had that suffering isn't for nothing. I still hold on, in the recesses of my mind, that life is too wondrous to just be cold, hard ...chance.

    There is an inner dialogue that carries on that keeps open the possibility of another realm, even an 'afterlife'...and this dialogue is a battle at times that I would do well to address.

    That 'other realm' talk could very well be the old god-based notions...just in a different form.

    I have yet to truly consider all it means to be athiestic. It was a large leap to go from hard-core 'agnostic'. Now, perhaps it's time to dig deeper again..

    ~Thanks for listening

  • The Oracle
    The Oracle

    One thing is certain - we don't know for sure.

    The only thing we can conclude with an overwhelming degree of certainty is that the God of the bible is not a reasonable option.

    Thankfully we do not need the WT belief system in order to live happy and fulfilling lives.

  • rather be in hades
    rather be in hades

    i'm gonna patent the "the church of i don't care"

    or i kinda like the church of i don't give a f**k lol

    "I have an inner sense that there is some force(s) maybe in another dimension that we just don't understand.."

    i think you will love this.

    i can totally relate to wanting to believe there's something more. i do to.

    may i ask, how long have you been out?

  • freeflyingfaerie

    Hello Oracle~ I absolutely do agree with you...came to those same conlusions

    rbih~ I had serious doubts four summers ago..out for good in January 2009. I've been on that 'not care' kick too...sometimes I feel I have to probe deeper, though and deal with those subconcious lingerings..

    p.s., couldn't get that link...

  • rather be in hades
    rather be in hades

    it's basically this old story about these "shapes" that live in a 2 dimensional universe and they try to teach the "lines" in the one-dimensional universe what shapes like squares and triangles are, bt the "lines" can't understand what 2-dimensions are. a sphere from the 3-dimensional universe visits the 2dimensional universe and tries to teach the squares and triangles what things like spheres and cubes are. of course the 2d shapes couldn't understand what cubes and spheres were because they couldn't conceive 3 dimensions.

    i'm kinda at a point where i'm an atheist, but i like to do you "see" in 4 dimensions? what would 5 dimensions be like? 6? 7? it's inconceivable as we are 3 dimensional objects.

    how has your journey been coming out of it?

  • Diest

    INFP's are always infidels. There free spirited nature leaves them little room to float with controling assholes.

    Edit: Wrong their...damn lol

  • freeflyingfaerie

    INFP's are always infidels. There free spirited nature leaves them little room to float with controling assholes.

    LOL! You know me well, even though we don't know each other!

  • rather be in hades
    rather be in hades

    ok from 28:06 to 33:00 lol. that describes it

  • freeflyingfaerie

    rbih~ That kind of concept has crossed my mind before...that is funny. It's all relative, in a way..

    The journey has been rough at times, bliss sometimes.

    I lost all friends and family over it. That is a book in itself. Ive been in dark places with it all...

    And then I heal, and am sooooooo grateful that I have a new take on can be exhilarating

  • freeflyingfaerie

    Still couldn't get the link, lol!

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