Have You Ever Spoken To An Elder About Your True Feelings About "The Truth"?

by minimus 35 Replies latest jw friends

  • finallysomepride

    yes, but only at the door, when they had no idea who i was, i was long out, & i'm 1000 miles from my last congo

  • finallysomepride


    don't forget all that new light BS that you missed out on, i think you need a study (not)

  • puffthedragon

    I told an elder that the whole generation thing was ridiculous and that It clearly had no modern day meaning. His answer blew me away. "I agree with you." but then of course he said "but I'm waiting on Jehovah to fix it". Almost got my hopes up, fair enough.

  • wasblind

    Hey Puff,

    the wait on Jehovah part would put a damper on things

  • minimus

    I know of elders and their motto was, we must wait on Jehovah. After a while, it seems to be a cop out for those that want to close their eyes.

  • ctrwtf

    Are you kidding? Only tell the truth to those that deserve to know it. Isn't that the Watchtower Way?

  • blondie

    Never discussed doctrine but I did point out with details and proof the cruel actions of elders, rank and file, along with lies. Elder never denied it, just wait on Jehovah crap.

  • sseveninches

    I also got something along the lines of "I agree with you" from an elder. But of course, everyone's waiting on Jehovah. Keep waiting.

  • Butterflyleia85

    I been tempted to call my elder back that wants to encourage me about coming back to the meetings just to kinda question my personal thoughts and why I'm not sure it's the right thing to do. But no I haven't shared my feelings just because I was trying to get back in (over a year ago) and my feelings didn't consern them, I was doing it for my family.

  • Phizzy

    Spoken to several, several promised to come back to me with answers, still waiting of course some years later, I don't think they are going to turn up !!!

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