Why did you become a Jehovah's Witness ?

by Gnosis 70 Replies latest jw experiences

  • tec

    I never did join. Almost, but changed my mind.

    I studied with them because they offered to do with me the thing I was attempting to do on my own but having trouble with... study the bible. I was looking for the truth. I was looking to make sure I did not get fooled by men or religion. (irony, yes, I know) Through the study, I came to believe they had the truth. (Like Terry, I also shoved the little nagging doubts bothering me to the side. I also decided that they were God's channel... and that eventually they would 'get right' some of the things I already understood to be wrong in their theology. Silly.)

    The caring nature of the woman I studied with helped keep me going; made me doubt my own doubts about the religion. The judgmental looks I got from one woman at the single meeting set off some warning bells about that.



  • WTWizard

    Angels. They have been working on my soul, channeling it toward stagnation and final damnation.

    The attempt that led to my being a witless was one of a series, about every 14 months. First, it was the Noahide Law-based guide about "Beyonder". (This is a cult, with little hounding but threats of bad luck if you break one of the principles, based on the Noahide Law.) Some 14 months later, I got something that had instructions based on the LIE-ble, of course with instructions to donate money. Another 14 months later, some born again scum tossed a LIE-ble on my porch, said the Magic Prayer, and pronounced me a Christian (I never really meant that, as I was not really serious). Then 14 months after, the witlesses came.

    The promise was that I could live forever on earth. All I had to do was to comply with what seemed to be based on the LIE-ble, and much of it seemed genuine. They were deceptive in detailing why I couldn't celebrate a birthday as long as I didn't chop someone's head off. They were excessive in obsession with Christmas, the music issue, and getting rid of everything that had to do with some pagan symbol. And they promised that they would help me with the opposite sex, only to welsh on that and make the issue even worse (even praying for even more angels to drive them away from me). Plus, it fake-"solved" personal problems (masking them) when I did field circus, at least for a while--like taking drugs helps fake-"solve" personal problems in addicts.

    And, if I ever go back, it will be because those same fxxxing angels create an environment that gets other witlesses to physically drag me back, combined with legally forcing me to stay back. I will not go back under my own power.

  • Greybeard

    Am I the only person here who masturbated at a young age and thought I would never have sex with a woman because I most likely will die at armageddon for playing with myself???

    Sorry, I just had to ask that LOL… But hey, I'm trying to be honest here and I only did it one time. (Lightning strikes Greybeard) Both my parents started studying with JW's when I was about 2 years old. I believed it 100% and never asked questions. It really did bother me that all these "worldly" people were going to die if I didn't get out there and warn them like Noah warned people before the flood. However, the real reason I rushed getting baptized was I wanted to DATE GIRLS AND GET MARRIED! I wanted IT, I didn't want to be deprived of IT. (1 Corinthians 7:5, do not be depriving each other of IT.) I didn't want Armagedon to deprive me of IT. I took the dunk at 17 and got married at 18. I set a new record for getting married young in our area and it became a trend. I also thought baptism would forgive/remove all my sins and assure my 5 acre parcel in paradise among the billions resurrected that we were going to teach the troof too.

    My father was an elder most of my life and my brother became one young bless his heart. My father-in-law was a high-up elder with friends in "high places"… My in-laws were in our marriage causing problems from day one. It was a total nightmare. I tried my best to be the good JW and I had the "pioneer spirit" but didn't pioneer much and felt guilty for that. I just could not justify not pioneering before Jehovah. I was very good at the door and defending what I believed to be the "TRUTH". I had the talent and ability to preach but for some reason, it never took first place in my life like it was supposed to. Maybe deep down I didn't really believe YHWH was going to kill all of these beautiful people. IDK...

    After seeing all of the hypocrisy among the elders, especially my father-in-law, I lost all desire to be an elder. I could have been one very easily and they were always pushing me to "reach out" but something inside told me I would be better off if I didn't reach for that goal. I had many elder and MS friends but I just didn't feel like joining the competition.

    Depression set into my life big time. I LOVED music, was in a few JW bands… (and we were good if I must say myself)… I loved to drink because it took away my guilt feelings and made me feel ok with myself and the world around me. Later in life this became a real hard habit to break and now I have over two years of sobriety.

    I was wrongly DF'ed (IMO) for drinking. I was begging the Elders not to DF me balling my eyes out in repentance but they had their minds made up. I was a hard boy to catch, then I got a DUI. I reported it to them and they said, "The only reason you reported it was because it is public knowledge. We are handing you over to Satan." The elders never gave me any real help from alcoholism. They gave me some REAL stupid advice for sure a few times. MY PO told me to take a photo of myself then give it to all the stores that sell alcohol and tell them not to sell to me. He was 1000% serious. So Satan uses AA? I found AA and the rest is history...

    Music is a huge part of my life and I hope to soon record another album that will focus on Recovery, Love, Forgiveness and TTATT. If it wasn't for the people at AA I don't know what would have happened to me. Like most of us, I still have tons of baggage the WT/JWorg has inflicted on my life. I am VERY sad because all of my JW family treat me as an "apostate". However I am moving on with my life and learning new things.

    I told my family it is impossible for me to believe false prophets. We are supposed to be in paradise already. Come on! Wasn't that "Gods promise"??? The generation change baffled me. Overlapping Generations? Tell me another one please! I was counting on the big A to solve all my problems if by some freak chance I made it.

    Now, with no higher education and no preparation for retirement I find myself growing old. Thanks Watchtower for all your lies! Only arrogant bullies would tell the lies you have and not man up to admit how wrong they were. My biggest problem my entire life was being to frigging honest. Have you seen the movie, "Liar Liar"? Thats me, "I CAN"T LIE" or I WILL DIE AT ARMAGEDDON!

    Sorry for the book lol,

    I love you people here on JWN. You feel like family to me. We all were victims of mind rape.

    Love always,


  • designs

    My mother who had been a Bible Student and left in 1928 got some kind of nostalgia in 1959-60 when her 'Anointed' parents passed away and started studying with the Witnesses. The rest as they say is History.

  • 00DAD

    False Hopes and Failed Promises

    • Why? Why did I become a Witness? Why did I accept their beliefs?

    I was looking, searching for many things: answers, meaning, enlightenment, a direction and even hope. In short, I was searching for truth, or rather Truth, and hoping maybe even to find TRUTH.

    There was also the yearning to belong to a community of like-minded people

    I remember searching all the major religions looking for these things. I spent years doing this. I became convinced that Jesus was the one to follow, but it seemed clear that none of the mainstream churches were doing that.

    Two things in particular bothered me:

    1. Why did so many churches teach the Trinity doctrine when it clearly wasn't in the Bible?
    2. And why does God allow suffering?

    (I had my doubts about hellfire too, but this was not such a "burning" issue with me! Pun intended.)

    Witness had answer to both of these questions. They even had answers to questions I never thought about before! It was exciting! One of my JW friends commented cryptically, "We have an answer for everything!". When I think about that now I believe he was denigrating this JW attribute.

    Vulnerability: Maybe I also want to have a sense of belonging, of being part of something, having friends with similar values and goals. They had all these things, or at least it seemed that way to me at the time. It even looked like an international Brotherhood based on love, love of God, His son Jesus and of one another. Also, there is something incredibly fulfilling in believing that what your are doing is of Universal importance.

    • "A man that won't stand for something will fall for anything" ... Winston Churchill

    I also gained many personal benefits by becoming a Witness*. I cleaned up my life, stopped using drugs, stopped smoking. I believed that I had found a hope for the future, that there was going to be a time when God would undo all the wrong in the world and make everything right, the way it should be. This certainly appealed to my mind and my heart. But these benefits were not without cost.

    *There were other benefits too. I learned skills that helped me professionally, teaching abilities and in dealing with people, etc.

    What though about "Critical Thinking" and research skills? Hmm, that's a tough one. I thought I had them, but then I was hoodwinked, at least for a while, by the Society's propaganda. I've come to see that real, genuine Critical Thinking Skills are deliberately blunted by WT "Theology" and indoctrination.

    DOCTRINE: I was never overly motivated by dates. Eschatology simply wasn't that interesting to me. I wanted to serve God and develop Christian qualities. The ideals of a Paradise earth and a worldwide brotherhood of man greatly appealed to me. As a result I never really researched the Society's history of making predictions about certain dates, for example 1874, 1914, 1925, 1975, etc. If I had, perhaps things would have been different. Still, it would have been difficult as the Society does not still publish most of their older (Russell and Rutherford) publications and when they are quoted, the language is often highly sanitized. Now I know that the WT has even revised older publications and changed what was originally written!

    In summary, I still think all those ideals are beautiful. But sadly, I'm having a hard time believing in them any more. Someone once said that JWs are good at creating atheists. I don't know if I agree with that, but they certainly convinced me that ALL "Religion is a snare and a racket" and that includes the WTBTS too!

    This is why I now feel so much anger and resentment towards the WTBTS and it's leadership: They betrayed me by pretending to be something the very clearly are not. They are religious frauds and charlatans of the largest magnitude. Their hypocrisy is astounding for its breadth, depth, scope and length of time it has continued. Their legalistic, rule-oriented approach to worship makes the Pharisees look like amateurs. That they continue guilty of these spiritual crimes while demonizing others and enforcing institutionalized shunning which tears apart families, friends and other relationships only compounds the atrocity of their guilt exponentially. And yet they continue without shame or remorse. They are the biggest cowards and liars I know of and their presentation of themselves as self-righteous stewards only enrages people of genuine conscience and conviction all the more.

    They have destroyed my faith. Now I'm not even sure if I believe in God any longer as a result of discovering the true nature of the beast known as the WTBTS and its leadership and faithful followers. Still, sometimes I hope there is a God, if only because I take satisfaction in knowing that maybe someday He will make them pay for their crimes.

    It is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of [the] living God. - Hebrews 10:31

  • Greybeard

    You make some good points 00DAD

  • PaintedToeNail

    I grew up in a JW household. We moved from a very lovely congregation with lots of young families in South California to Minnesota. We had a nice life in California, a nice home, decent job (dad), decent clothing, nice suburban neighborhood and great weather. We moved to Minnesota to save my dad's family from armegeddon, which was to occur ing 1975. His family thought my parents were nuts, and were annoyed that they wouldn't stop preaching at them. Our move occured in October, which is the beginning of a very long, cold winter in Minnesota. Dad had no steady job, mom had to go to work in a sweat shop to support the family. I had to be home alone in a strange neighborhood, on the cold, cold afternoons after school, it would get dark very early, due to the latitude. We had only the cheapest clothes, because of the minimum wage job of my mom's and dad not finding steady work. I was teased unmercibly at school due to the cheapo and inadequate clothing and also for my California accent, to say nothing of the oddities of the JW mandates regarding flag salutes, holidays, birthdays and so forth at school. The cong. was full of people related to each other, they had no room for poor interlopers from the west coast. It was incredibly lonely.

    I was also constantly in fear of 1975. There were parts brought out of how the persecution was going to be so bad, and that there would be nothing to eat and so forth if we left the borg. The Borg came out with the 1975 or 74 yearbook about the severe persecution suffered by the German and other european witnesses at the hand of the Nazis. It was terrifying!

    In spite of our poverty, we went out in the ministry regularly, no matter how damned cold it was. I had cheapo plastic boots with little lining and my feet would be freezing and ache from the cold. When they started to warm up, the pain was severe. To my knowledge, in all the years we lived in Minnesota, my parents never brought anyone into the borg., no matter how many worthless hours were wasted driving thru the country side looking for 'right hearted ones'.

    I got baptized for only one reason: Dad said he wouldn't come to my wedding if I wasn't baptized and if the wedding wasn't in a KH.

    There you have it, I was blackmailed into baptism. Which is a stupid, stupid reason to get baptized. I was only 18, and didn't want to lose my family as I had lost everything else.

  • 00DAD

    Thank you Greybeard!

  • Londo111

    I was a Born In, the 3rd generation on both sides. I didn't stand a chance... :(

    What was it like?

    Behavioral control

    Information control

    Thought control

    Emotion Control (ie Guilt and fear)

  • SophieG

    Why did you become a Jehovah's Witness ? Born in

    Initially upon entering the religion what were the positive things you experienced ?I left in my late teens and came back in my twenties. I have been sheltered all my life as JW and leaving was a culture shock. I did not lead a really insane, immoral life but the realities of life slapped me pretty hard. So when I came back, I was grateful for a “sense of security.” and “acceptance”.

    How did that particular way of thinking both benefit and harm you ? Being a JW did teach me a measure of self-control. And that’s it in a nutshell. I function better under well thought out decisions AND behavior patterns, but NOT UNDER the control of the org. It literally makes me feel crazy, not to be able to think for myself.

    And what was it that lead you to leave the religion ? First the routine: Studying, service, meeting, association…rinse and repeat. It became too much. I honestly felt oppressed and angry about all the things we have to do. It was not enjoyable.

    Second, my personality: I am way too free-spirited to be controlled and I fought myself constantly… my mind was not accepting status quo. I always would ask: WHO SAYS? I like to think and I have come to appreciate that it is critical thinking that has been my saving grace. I never knew that was how my brain was working the whole time. I am also a very expansive person and I don’t like to alienate people just because they believe differently than I do. I am a lover…

    If you didn't convert and were raised in the religion what was it like being raised as a Jehovah's Witness ? My mom even though she is a die-hard JW was always very aware that we should not feel as if we were missing out. We traveled a lot internationally, we were able to interact with JWs and non-JWs alike, I did extra-curricular activities, and had lots of toys. I don’t feel I missed out on birthdays/Christmas because I knew multiple times a year, mom would take us shopping for fun stuff. We were on assembly parts as kids. But we KNEW we were different but balanced.

    I don’t look back on my childhood with regret, it was good.
    It’s my adult waking life that I want to redirect now….

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