The Anonymous hacker group has announced that they will begin infiltrating the WTS to obtain their database of pedophiles.

by Elsewhere 31 Replies latest jw friends

  • Broken Promises
    Broken Promises

    Why would Anonymous announce their intentions?

  • TimeBandit

    Why would Anonymous announce their intentions?

    ...because they are hard to stop once they set their sights on a cause. They shut down us govenment websites. They are legion!


  • Aussie Oz
    Aussie Oz

    If the WT had a list it would have been burned a long time ago.

    Personaly i find anonymous to be a bit thick (if it is them) to announce the target file and expect the WT to sit back and watch the show.

    Done shot themselves in the foot me thinks with this one, and even if a list surfaces then it will be subject to suspicion as legit by many and a good few here as well.

    no win here.


  • yadda yadda 2
    yadda yadda 2

    They are legion? You mean the same legion that Jesus exorcised and went into the pigs that went over the cliff?

  • DaCheech

    hi elsewhere, I have missed you............... was it me or you?

  • elderelite

    MMM, i said the same thing in a PM and was told it didnt matter. Apparently annoumous has magik lowers like the desert god. It will interesting to see who's magik is stronger. Im betting the laws of physics and the natural world win.

  • The Oracle
    The Oracle

    @truthismine: I was thinking the same thing. I'm not sure how much of this would be stored digitally. Has Barbara confirmed that these records of child molestors are also stored digitally? I know that she has confirmed they exist in filing cabinets.

    Either way, it is pretty impressive that the WT has drawn the wrath of Anonymous. I wonder what the reaction has been of all the nerdy JWs who are aware of the group Anonymous?

    I bet you there were many JWs who were celebrating when Anonymous targetted the Christian Scientists for their idiocy...I wonder what they are thinking now that this rougue cyber justice league of sorts is targetting their own corrupt JW world.

    The Oracle

  • brizzzy

    They actually claim that they have it already. Here is where they have posted the hacked files for download:

    Files are 2GB (so HUGE). Problem is that they’re encrypted, so it’s taking longer than they thought to decrypt, because that’s not really their bag. Apparently they’re looking for decrypting-expert-type people to help.

    I'm not Anon, I don't advocate illegal behavior/hacking...but not gonna lie, I'm sort of hoping they succeed (same way I was rooting for them when they took on Scientology). There's a few names from my past I suspect would be on that list.

  • undercover

    Problem is that they’re encrypted, so it’s taking longer than they thought to decrypt, because that’s not really their bag. Apparently they’re looking for decrypting-expert-type people to help.

    um, this is (supposedly) the group that has hacked government sites and major corporation sites and they're having trouble decrypting files from a penny ante cult?

    Don't get me wrong... I'd love to see it pulled off by such a group. Really expose the inner dirty dealings of the WTS, but I am not sold on the idea that a group like this would pay any attention to such a fringe religion.

  • brizzzy

    There's a public pastebin on the Op here. And the vid was posted from one of their official channels. From the pastebin, it looks like they're putting a lot of work into it and have been for almost two weeks now.

    From what I understand, hacking and decrypting are sort of two different type of specialties. They're saying that the files will be decrypted, but it will take a while, it's just a matter of time. In the pastebin they explain that they're looking for some sort of key or passcode that's needed, and they're calling for as many decrypty people as possible to pitch in and help.

    Seeing as I know nothing about either hacking or decrypting and would never be capable of it in a million years, I'm willing to accept that it is a lot of work and could take some time.

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