Woman requesting bloodless liver transplant

by loosie 17 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • loosie

    Ok so here in Kansas there is a women who is a JW asking for a liver transplant, but she wants bloodless surgery. She is on state healthcare. The state said no bloodless surgery is not needed in this case and refused to pay for the added cost. So she found doctors in Nebraska who would do it but they wanted KS to pay for it instead of NE. So she sued to get KS state to apy for it. She won her lawsuit but since the case took months to settle her condition has progressed so that she is no longer eligible for a liver transplant.

    Maybe there are some medical professionals on here that can shed some light on this for me but if you are getting a liver transplant doesn't blood from the donor come along with the liver?


    No Transplant For Kansas Woman In Religious Freedom Case

    A Kansas woman’s victory in a religious freedom case came too late for her to get a life-saving liver transplant.

    Mary Stinemetz of Hill City is terminally ill with chronic liver disease.

    The 65-year-old woman is a Jehovah’s Witness, a religion that forbids blood transfusions. She won a legal battle last year that forced the state to pay for a transplant in Nebraska that did not require a blood transfusion.

    Kansas officials had argued that a bloodless transplant was not a medical necessity, and Steinmetz’s religion should not determine insurance coverage.

    The Kansas City Star reported Tuesday, the legal victory came too late for Stinemetz. By the time she won, her condition deteriorated so much that she was not eligible for a new liver.

  • JeffT

    I'm surprised you can find a doctor anywhere that would attempt a bloodless liver transplant.

  • Rabbit

    Thanks for posting this, I tried a few times and got blank posts...!

  • binadub

    Wouldn't the blood from the liver doner (presumed to be dead) have to be the same type?


  • Black Sheep
    Black Sheep

    That is what the "Knocking" documentary was about.

    Try this search. knocking documentary seth thomas

  • mP

    What happened to Jesus promise that his believers will cure the sick and be immune to poisonous snake bites ? Sounds to me like she has little faith.

  • sir82

    As you hinted at in your opening post, even with "bloodless" surgery, the liver would still contain blood.

    The term "bloodless surgery" is more than a little misleading. Virtually no doctor anywhere would perform truly bloodless surgery in a procedure that normally calls for it.

    That's as far as my "expertise" will take you - see www.AJWRB.org for a lot more info.

  • jgnat

    This bothers me on so many levels.

    1. The society has successfully indoctrinated a member in to believing there is a medical escape from her dilemma, if only the doctors would take it.
    2. The stupid woman swallows this advice against the best direction medicine can give her.
    3. The society gains a martyr and a legal precedent, and the woman dies for her troubles.
    4. Yet she remains assured of the paradise to come.

    What a racket.

  • JeffT

    Bin, there is a lot more than blood type involved in matching tissues for a transplant. I'm not sure how many HLA (human leukocyte antigen) makers are now known. Blood type and RH factor (the plus or minus on your blood type) are only the most well known, and the ones that make the most difference for a transfusion, which is a short term treatment. An organ transplant is long term and requires careful matching.

  • rebel8

    Yes it's possible but the utter stupidity of this doctrine never ceases to amaze me.

    Donor cells in liquid form = BAD Donor cells in solid form = GOOD

    If you're that bad off that you need a liver transplant, a little blood should be the least of your worries.

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