Video from the Dublin Convention of Anthony Morris III releasing the Sparlock DVD

by cedars 38 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • panhandlegirl

    I was amazed that not once was Jesus mentioned on the video; It was only Jehovah God and the GB/Organization. Apparently Jesus has been replaced/demoted. I believe that if the jws were asked what they thought about the video, they would highly approve of it.They are just not able to see the folly in that way of thinking. I used to be just like Caleb's mom. I recall a day when my daughter came to my workplace on the way home from school (she was about 15 years old). I was in the breakroom having coffee and there was a birthday cake sitting on the counter. My daughter started to get a piece and I stopped her. I told her it was a "birthday" cake. She put the cake down and did not eat it. How stupid is that. We both laugh about it now, but it is really sad how brainwashed jws actually are. I have apologized to both my children for raising them as jws.

  • iCeltic

    Just getting a 'could not load video' from that link :(

  • 00DAD

    Cedars, I'm sure they'd love to know you call it the "Sparlock" vid!

    We could alternately call it the "No Toy Story!" video.

    How cute, they are encouraging parents with very young children, under 2 years of age, to have their children watch this video. Apparently they either don't know or more likely are completely disregarding the advice of nearly every expert on child development concerning the adverse affects of watching TV and/or videos by the very young:

    "the American Academy of Paediatrics discourages TV viewing in the first two years of life" - Letting Infants Watch TV Can Do More Harm Than Good, ScienceDaily (Jan. 16, 2009)

    Professor Dimitri A Christakis, from the Seattle Children’s Research Institute and the University of Washington, USA, has also expressed considerable concerns about DVDs aimed at infants that claim to be beneficial, despite a lack of scientific evidence.

    And he points out that France has already taken the matter so seriously that in summer 2008 the Government introduced tough new rules to protect the health and development of children under three from the adverse effects of TV.

    Professor Christakis’ extensive review looked at 78 studies published over the last 25 years and reiterates the findings of numerous studies he has carried out with colleagues into this specialist area.

    Here's the full article:

    Does the American Academy of Pediatrics recommend against TV viewing for children under the age of 2?


    In 1999 the American Academy of Pediatrics issued a policy statement about media and children. In it, the organization discussed the benefits media education can have as well as the health risks TV poses to children, especially those under the age of two. Specifically, the AAP said:

    "Pediatricians should urge parents to avoid television viewing for children under the age of 2 years. Although certain television programs may be promoted to this age group, research on early brain development shows that babies and toddlers have a critical need for direct interactions with parents and other significant caregivers (eg, child care providers) for healthy brain growth and the development of appropriate social, emotional, and cognitive skills. Therefore, exposing such young children to television programs should be discouraged." - Emphasis added

    I also found this disturbing bit of info regarding the manipulative affects of propaganda on the very young:

    Can a very young child understand what's on TV?

    Children as young as two years old were found to have established beliefs about specific brands that were promoted by television advertising and parental behavior. One-year-olds avoided an object after they watched an actress react negatively to it on video, suggesting that infants can apply emotional reactions seen on television to guide their own behavior.

    Translation: toddlers see Caleb's mommy's reaction to Sparlock and use her "emotional reactions" in the video "to guide their own behavior". The intentional manipulation of children in this video is really evil.

    Clearly the members of the WT Propaganda Development team are aware of this and are deliberately using these highly manipulative, controlling devices on the very young to further indoctrinate them. Mr. Morris even began his presentation discussing various WT publications specifically designed for parents with children "ages 3 and under". He stated that the new DVD is a tool directed to "small ones ... they don't have an attention span that is very long." He described it as a "provision to assist parents to inculcate God's word into little hearts." (See video @ 2:13) Translate that into "inculcate" JW doctrines into little hearts and minds.

    This is one messed up religion!

    It is very disturbing that their need to indoctrinate and manipulate is more important to them than safeguarding the developing brains of the very young. The fact that the WT blatantly disregards the needs and concerns for "healthy brain growth and the development of appropriate social, emotional, and cognitive skills" is disturbing in the extreme. It's a form of psychic abuse tantamount to rape. The WTBTS and it's leadership are psychological and emotional abusers, a different form of pedophilia if you will.

    Sick bastards just getting sicker!


  • cedars

    My apologies to those having trouble clicking through to the video. If the problem persists, please let me know and I will try to remedy it by uploading another version.


  • tresdecu

    Unfortunately my kid saw the video...eagerly presented by the uber-JW Gma. Fortunately my wife, although a believer is a JW-LITE. My kid liked it...but now, right back to watching disney movies with magic etc...and using his active imagination. So seeing it a couple times didn't have any effect. thank goodness. It has since accidentally been scratched and now wont work. oops.

    Thanks Tony the dumb-a$$


  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite

    That get's his personality across pretty accurately.

    Dull as dishwater!


    It`s like Watching a..

    Tap Drip..

    ....................... ...OUTLAW

  • slimboyfat

    I can't get the video on the thread, by searching, or through the link.

  • 00DAD

    SBF, here's the YouTUBE link:

    The TITLE of the video on YouTube is:

    Getting To Know Anthony Morris III - Part 1 - Releasing the Sparlock DVD (

  • cedars

    slimboyfat, have you tried clicking on my channel and seeing if it is there among the vids? It should be at the top.


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