Question? Do you know of any “statutory rape”, or “Child Molestation” cases handled as “Consensual sex “(fornication) by Jehovah’s Witnesses’ Judicial Committees?

by Balaamsass 31 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • Band on the Run
    Band on the Run

    This happened to a classmate of mine. The assistant overseer gave her so much attention. I was jealous. My parents insisted that I had to remain with them. They frankly did not trust the other people in the KH. I recall crying about how she was favored. Despite harsh personal circumstances, she is now a leading public official of a major United States city. Classmates, the web site, allowed us to talk with each other after 20 years. I mentioned my jealousy. She told me of sexual abuse. He was clearly in his forties, at least, and she was 16. She had no idea what to do when it happened. He also was raping other young women.

    One of the other reported it to the overseer. She said the judicial committee meetings were far worse than the actual abuse. Perverted questions were asked. She was told (and here I hear strains of Tommy running in my head), never to tell anyone what happened or she would not survive Armageddon. In fact, besides her hubbie, she only told me.

    There must be degree of sexual misconduct less than rape that apply. A 16 year old is not a 30 year old person. These relationships occur in a sacred context, where total belief in God, and his servant, is allowed. Frankly, if I were the victim, I don't think I would tell my parents or teachers b/c of the embarassment. Rather than condemn his lack of impulse control, most young women would wonder what they did wrong.

    I pray that it is different for young women today. No one talked openly about such conduct when I was young. Rape was considered the fault of a seductive woman/girl.

    Looking back, his overeager attitude and behavior that only targeted young black girls, not any boys, was obvious. One may not have known the details but it was very open. Perhaps my parents suspected it. I am so grateful for my parent's rules, which I thought were hindering my social and JW life.

  • flipper

    BALAMMS- You and I have talked on the phone several times. I've heard of several of these instances while I was a JW and more than several after exiting almost 9 years ago. When I first heard about the chld abuse scandals in 2006 ( Dateline report from 2002, etc. ) - I did some research on my own looking up the Megan's Law list of possible JW registered sex offenders from my original hometown I lived in for 25 years from birth until age 25 in the mid 1980's as I knew MANY JWs being in the cult from birth. My findings ? Out of about 1,000 registered sex offenders I knew or recognized at least 12 of the offenders on the list. All had been, or are currently JW's who had sexually abused minors under the age of 18 yrs.old.

    This plague is a lot more common than our society cares to admit - or a lot more common than a huge criminally negligent corporation like the WT society cares to admit. But I believe with the anonymous investigation, Candace conti, and the 5 out of court recent lawsuits against the WT society- we are just seeing the badship WT society hitting the tip of the iceberg right now. More huge chunks of pedophile ice are going to cut into the WT society's alleged teflon appearance and start derailing them finacially, and destroy ANY sense of ethics or credibility they try to desperately preserve.

    In my opinion, it's up to each one of us with knowledge of these child abuse crimes to come forward like you have and shout it from the rooftops to put a stop to it and as far as our power allows - become activists to stop these horrific crimes. Glad to see you putting this thread up my friend. Keep the good work up bhind the scenes as you are doing. This is VERY important. Count me in as an ally in your efforts. my wife and I send our best to you and your wife

  • Balaamsass

    Thanks Flipper,

    I can still vividly remember some of these Victims in nearby circuits. They were raped twice, once by the perp and again by cruel hearted pharasees. I hope to see some of these men go to prison and experience what these young girls experienced.

  • FreeGirl2006

    Facing the 3 creeps for the committee is like getting raped again. I was 10 years old at the time and not allowed to have my mother with me. I had to describe what the step-creep did to me. One of the questions they asked me was if I was sure I didn't mistake what he did for affection. Seriously? Although, perhaps in their sordid lives, forced penetration is affection. I stopped talking at that point. I could tell they were determined from the outset not to believe one of their own could be so sick. They ruled that step-creep couldn't be guilty because he cried and I didn't. Bastards! Mom was counseled not to go to the police and being a good dubbie she didn't.

  • hoser

    I know of a 13 year old baptised sister who was molested by her teacher after school. The 13 year old sister was disfellowshipped.

  • Band on the Run
    Band on the Run

    I must admit that I am shocked when men in their thirties feel it is unfair to be charged with stautory rape. When I was younger, I thought it was consensual. Prosecuting someone who is around the same age is ridiculous. I try to explain how the age disparity and how the girl could never truly consent. if you are so in love, why not wait until you can consent?

    It seemed in the sixties that the pendulum was swinging towards abolishing statutory rape but it seems to be prosecuted today. I do wonder which cases are enforced and which cases are ignored.

    A good section of the normal world appears to feel that a 12 year old is capable of saying yes. I can see where a man can be confused. It would be better if society made up its mind about this activity.

  • Band on the Run
    Band on the Run

    OMG. It slipped my mind. My 16 year old female cousin, the daughter of an overseer and very sanctimonious, was knocked up by a recent convert who was 34 years old. She stopped her education. I found the wedding so sad. The full term baby popped out months early. No one said anything. One day my gm was dissing a girl in our KH. My mom said she could keep her mouth shut b/c anyone could do the math concerning my cousin.

    She is still a Witness, probably still pioneering. Her daughter, the very full term baby, is also a pioneer. They won't have anything to do with me or her brother b/c we are so evil.

  • Balaamsass

    Band on the Run, normal society has made up it's mind. Statutory Rape is a crime, especially when there is an age difference of 3 years or more. It is the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society (and perhaps the Taliban) who haven't made up there minds.

    I am sorry your friends and family endured this abuse. I can tell it had quite an effect on you as it has countless young girls around the globe. These experiences are terrible.

    Some of the Brooklyn Taliban need some jail time, don't you think? It might give give them "new light" on sexual assault.

  • ninja_matty69
  • clarity

    FreeGirl2006 ..... ten... you poor little sweetheart.

    My eyes are swimming ... so sorry your childhood had those horrible acts in it.

    This watchtower CRAP really needs to end!


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