Do you celebrate Holidays after you leave?

by Lalis 22 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • tyydyy

    I love walking through the stores during christmas and singing along with the songs without guilt. Of course, not everyone loves to hear me sing. Sorry


  • JBean

    Great stuff to hear, Target! Enjoy! I remember when I received my first birthday card and gift (along with flowers, actually) from my first "worldly" boyfriend. What a thrill... I cried. At the time he didn't understand what the whole "big deal" was, thinking that I expected the gift(s). I had to explain the entire lifestory to him at that point... I was 30! : )

  • pandora

    I have been out since 86/87. I definately celebrated as much as I could. But I was 17 and thrilled to be free of the rules. Anything to be rebelous.
    By the time I had the option to get my own tree, there was no question about it. I absolutely LOVE Christmas. I love everything about it. I have done my tree in theme colors and such. It must be special.
    It's the same way today. Now, I just also have the piece of mind to know that should my mother come to my door, I will not feel ashamed. I can be proud. I am not doing anything wrong.

  • Xander

    Almost all of the holidays origins were christian, not pagan

    Ummmm...what? I hope you're being sarcastic here...the JWs are actually correct about the origins of the holidays.

    Trust me, I'm a happy pagan who observes them.
    My Samhain is your Halloween; Yule is your Christmas; Imbolc is kind of on its own; Ostara is your Easter; Beltane to May Day; Litha doesn't have a protestant festivity, but the Catholics celebrate the Feast of St. John the Baptist; Lughnasadh is another one without a direct link, it's observed July 31st; Mabon roughly corresponds to Thanksgiving

    Obviously, though, they are right off their nut regarding birthdays and national holidays. I mean, really. Why is an anniversary okay to observe, but not a birthday? Go figure.

    A fanatic is one who, upon losing sight of his goals, redoubles his efforts.
    --George Santayana
  • Xander

    FWIW, here is a site with a fascination calender of holidays sorted by religion:

    A fanatic is one who, upon losing sight of his goals, redoubles his efforts.
    --George Santayana
  • Solace

    When I was young, I used to feel so guilty if I got a valentine card. My mom used to have me sent to the principals office if someone was having a birthday party in class. Always sitting during the flag salute etc. I think kids have enough stress in their life. I would never put my children through that.
    When I had a Christmas tree up for the first time in my home, I felt very guilty. My husband wanted one. He is Catholic and very traditional.
    The more I find out about the J.W. teachings being false, the less guilty I feel. I tell my J.W. family that I dont think a Christmas tree is any different than any other floral decoration I have up in my home and unless I start worshipping it, I dont want to hear a word from them about it.
    The W.T.S wants their members to avoid holidays (they say) because they arent christian oriented. I believe the real reason is because holidays are most often the time when family gets together. By seperating members from their non believing family, they manage to get their members to become more dependant on the org. They tell members that "this is their spiritual family and that is all they need".
    I now enjoy every day and every holiday with my husband and children. I do feel bad that my J.W. family is critical and honestly believes that I am worldly and pagan because of it. Im sure that it must be very painful for them to think that I am going to die in armageddon. What can I do if they still believe, even though they are aware of the false prophecies, contradictions etc.
    I believe holidays are traditions. Who cares if you want to have fun and enjoy them with your family. Im sure God has more important things to worry about than my having a Christmas tree in my home or having an easter egg hunt with my kids. I feel so dumb for ever believing somthing so absurd.

  • ISP

    Yes, we celebrated all holidays when we left. Why not?


  • Kep

    Welcome Lalis,
    I've been out 7 years and have been right into the festivities.
    Last year my baby had her 1st birthday.
    It was a dilema for me as I had never been to a kids birthday party and didn't know what to do.
    But with the help of my partner & in-laws we had a wonderful day.
    I enjoy the time spent together as families, but now that I'm right into it, my wallet hurts more than my conscience.

  • Simon

    I think exJWs have the most traditional parties ... ours at least were based on our understanding of Christmas and Birthdays from things we've seen in films and read in books so probably nothing like normal people do, lol.

    First time was a bit awkward but it's been great fun and well worth seeing the joy on your kids faces.

  • Dutchie

    Absolutely! I celebrate them all. Christmas, birthdays, Thanksgiving, the works... Never had so much fun and the kids are thrilled too.

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