Question for people who believe in Evolution

by ttte36 31 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Spectre

    Not a single creature would have the flight or fight instinct if they all wanted to die.

  • truthseeker100

    Humans are the only ones that don't want to die. I suppose that's true. All the humans that commit suicide. Must all just be false reports.

    You should visit a slaughter house some time. See how the pigs and cattle react on the kill floor when they sense whats coming.

  • Village Idiot
    Village Idiot

    "Humans are the only creatures who do not want to die..."

    I think your teacher was referring to the fact that humans seem to be the only creatures that are aware that they will someday die whereas animals only react to present threats. If so then the reason for that is that we seem to be the only animal who, due to the evolution of our brain, has a concept of the future and our place in it.

  • James Mixon
    James Mixon

    "A religious educator," my teacher. Where did this guy get his degree?

    Today on the news some researcher stated,"babies do feel pain".

    How much money was spent to come to that realization. WTH

  • Viviane
    someone can explain to me why there is matter floating around in space to be a big bang to begin with, where did it come from? lol,

    LOL read a science book.

    But why would evolution cause us to want to die?

    It doesn't. At all.

  • ivanatahan
    but also, someone can explain to me why there is matter floating around in space to be a big bang to begin with, where did it come from? lol,

    Evolution and the Big Bang theory are really two separate subjects. For all we know, the Universe could have been created, yet life could have evolved on Earth separate of the influence of a creator.

    To answer your question, there are many theories. There's a theory that the point of singularity existed forever until the energy decided to explode. Another one, that I personally prefer to accept, is that time itself only started at the point of the Big Bang. What happened before, God knows. ;)

  • Village Idiot
    Village Idiot

    ivanatahan, "Evolution and the Big Bang theory are really two separate subjects."

    Not quite. Evolution is a process that is not limited to life but includes the whole history of the Universe, animate or inanimate. Life is simply a molecule that had the ability to reproduce itself. Before it acquired such abilities it had undergone intensive transformations (evolution) from Hydrogen/Helium after the Big Bang to stars to higher elements made within the stars to molecules in the planets that surrounded those stars to ever more complex assemblies of molecules that led up to the first self reproducing molecule.

    As far as what happened 'before' it is beginning to be the consensus amongst astrophysicists that there is a universe of universes known as the Multiverse. Many of those universes including ours may have the ability to spawn other universes.

  • OnTheWayOut

    If time itself only started at the point of the Big Bang, then the idea that a singularity existed forever or any concept of "before" the energy exploded have to be ideas to be dismissed and reworked. It's a very difficult concept, but one we have to deal with. The singularity wasn't there for a moment or any length of time because time did not exist.

    What happened before, God knows. :wink:
    Flag Dislike LikePure genius !!!!!!!
  • truthseeker100

    "The singularity wasn't there for a moment or any length of time because time did not exist."

    So true on the way out,

    Time must have had a starting point.

    Village idiot, I liked your post too.

  • truthseeker100

    As far as what happened 'before' it is beginning to be the consensus amongst astrophysicists that there is a universe of universes known as the Multiverse. Many of those universes including ours may have the ability to spawn other universes.

    Possible, maybe, but like all science, "prove it!"

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