What are your thought of the 144k in heaven

by bobld 25 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • bobld

    A D.O. said they are watching and directing the preaching work.

    I thought it was more like watching who was having sex,(prono perverts).

    -Also they are useless and are very poor in governing.

    -Their directing the GB/FDS is a farse.

  • MrFreeze

    Isn't Jehovah the one watching that stuff? Why do Jehovah and Jesus need help from 144,000 people/angels if Jehovah is all powerful?

    I know one reason that the WT uses is that they were human so can sympathize with us. But doesn't Jehovah know us better than anybody else? Wasn't Jesus on earth and suffered? Why does Jesus need help ruling?

    It's a bunch of bullcrap.

  • Ding

    I think the context of Revelation 7 shows that there the 144,000 are on earth, not in heaven.

    If so, the WTS' entire two class structure falls apart.

  • daringhart13


    So they are directing people to drive around in mini-vans from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. every Saturday.....with a half an hour stop at Starbucks to gossip about others in the congregation?

    Sure they are.

    And..... they are watching the overlappers..... the angels holding back those winds of destruction got a memo saying "oooops.....sorry, keep holding those winds.......we meant OVERLAPPERS".....

  • witchtowerwitch

    fxxk the 144 ,,,,,,,,,,,i think that these cults should all be shut down,so as not to fxxk up the rest of society!I mean the witchytower is a false religion!!!!!!!!Who cares a God damn what they say or think,screw them all!

  • Kojack57

    The 144,000 is a symbolic number not to be taken literal. Now, I do believe a great crowd will rule in heaven, without number.


  • flipper

    " What are your thought of the 144K in heaven " ? I think they are non-existent. They don't exist, it's just another WT illusion

  • Blind_Of_Lies

    The 144,000 is a clever ruse to keep the JW's focused. Much like society (society in general not the WTBT Society in NY) today uses celebrity to promote fashions or ideas. They have no set rules or signs or even a general idea of what qualifies someone to be one of the 144,000 so when some idiot decides they are more enlightened than everyone else and takes a drink of wine and a bite of nasty bread suddenly the locals have One of the "Anointed" walking among them. This person becomes somewhat of a celebrity they suddenly become an authority on most biblical matters and people flock to them for everything from advise to help interpreting scripture. It's laughable.

    The 144,000 is nothing more than a carrot to dangle in front of the ass. Envision that last sentence with any connotation you like, either way I can imagine it would be accurate.

  • Finkelstein

    A D.O. said they are watching and directing the preaching work.

    Really they're watching over and directing the commercialized corruption of devout false prophet/profits (WTS.) ........ sheesh who would have thought ?

  • Balaamsass

    An odd belief. Everyone knows their were more than 144,000 Christians before the 2 cd century. Soooo if someone believed it was literal..then they would have to believe the number was sealed thousands of years ago not before WW2. Obviously the current governing body believes it is crap because they started partaking AFTER the cutoff, but any who agree with their actions... and not words they disfellowship for apostacy.

    The entire reasoning has no reason.

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