Monica Lewinksy on HBO

by teejay 11 Replies latest jw friends

  • teejay

    Anyone see it? Any comments?

  • collegegirl

    I watched it.... the whole thing. You know what? I don't know if she is really good at putting on an act, or if she was being genuine, but i was on her side last night.... During the whole scandal, i was like, "Well if she had used her brain to begin with...." But last night I really had some sympathy for her.. I guess sometimes things like that do happen, even if you have the best morals in the world.

    Anyhow, I did think her crying bouts were a bit dramatic. But, that one time when the sound system got messed up and she made that "Linda???" comment, it was great. Made me laugh. All in all, I thought it was worth my time watching it, even though the ending was very abrupt.

  • DCs Ghost
    DCs Ghost

    hey TJ

    yeah i saw about an hour of it and then changed the channel, i think it was good idea for her to take the opportunity to clear the air, if anything for herself, she was young when she got caught up in the situation and was manipulated by everyone she thought she could trust, sad story but the reality of power,

    all in all she is a young girl and she has her entire life ahead of her, people do crazy things when they are young and Bill's attention helped her esteem at the time. i believe that she was starstruck and did what came naturally with the attention she was getting

    although the media did a number to destroy her, i give her props for trying to get some dignity back, and the truth is there are worse things that a person can do, her inexperience got her caught up in the situation without thinking of the consequences, shit happens, live, learn and move on,

    i did like the fact that she mentioned that the president was never alone unless he asked to be, which leveled out the blame game a bit and regardless who was to blame it took the two to tango, as much as i liked bill he should have known better he is twice her age

    my 2 cents

    "we do not see the world as it is,
    we see the world as we are. . ." Anais Nin

  • Satanus

    What she did was totally natural. I suppose extending her minute of fame to two minutes is natural as well. I wonder if she will still be playing on this during her old age? Wanting a steady income is a natural desire as well.


  • teenyuck

    I watched it also.

    Like collegegirl I tend to side with her.

    There were a few things that stood out. When the man in the audience asked "So, what is it like being the best blow job giver in the world?" She held her dignity and did not respond with a nasty comment. He was a jerk...

    When the young woman stood up and said she too went to Beverly Hills High...Monica knew her. She said her name. Then the young woman said that the teacher Monica had an affair with did it to her...she had a relationship with a trusted adult. Monica admitted she was stupid. She took responsibility. However, she said the man was a scum bag for preying on students...and then trying to become a martyr and get HIS 15 minutes...

    When another man mind just went totally blank!

    Anyway, I felt she did a very good job of clearing up some questions. Linda Tripp took advantage of a stupid young woman and acted like her mother.

    I despise Bill Clinton and Hillary...I don't even like Chelsea. However, Monica was a joke. The HBO special cleared the air on some important questions.

    He called and persued her. She did not go to Washington with an agenda. Clinton is a womanizing whore. For him to do his "I did not have sex with that woman, Miss Lewinsky." waving his finger was a joke.

    I am on Monica's side now.

  • LB

    It's curious how Bill was able to weather all these storms isn't it? I honestly believed Monica from the beginning. After all she wasn't the first one to come along with these sorts of tales.

    I still think of Monica as a stupid girl and still think of Bill as a womanizing jerk. I think of Hillary has one who is so power hungry that she will do or go through anything to keep that power.

    Bill would have made a great elder.

    Never Squat With Yer Spurs On

  • teenyuck

    LOL true!

  • LDH

    UMMMM....could we knock off the "poor little Monica" business?

    She wasn't a "little girl" as you all would like to think. This ho-ho grew up in LA. I dare ANYONE to grow up in LA and still be a "little girl."

    People, Bill might be an ass-munch but let's face it--Monica was dating a married man.

    Whatever happened to her was her just desserts.

    As far as I'm concerned, they deserve each other.

    As for Hillary, since she was going to Law School back in the 60's, something tells me she was on a mission even then. Why should she let Bill stand in her way?


  • morrisamb

    Don't have HBO, this Canadian just caught her on Larry King.
    The scenes from the show were the first time I thought Monica did something to make herself look good.
    I think she made a mistake which she has paid for in spades but CLINTON & HILARY, they are unbelievable. I am a male feminist and I can't believe there are women who believe Clinton really 'CARES' about their cause, equal rights, etc.
    This guy made a liar out of how many women now? He called Monica, "That woman", as though she were some psycho bitch!

    As far Monica doing the pres., Canadian singer Jann Arden said it best, "Was I surprised Monica did the president? There was a time when I was so poor, I did a guy so he would buy me onion rings!"



    Elder Clinton and poor publisher Monica in the backroom with a JC. Elder Clinton denies it all, Monica comes forward with a confession of all the details (including how Elder Clinton ruins her new blue assembly dress). Elder Clinton maintains his position of authority and poor publisher Monica is threatened with DFing for lying and making a bad name for the congregation. Elder Clinton is enraged mostly about the charge that he had used a cigar. How obsurd! Everyone knows that smoking is a DFing offense. Publisher Monica is now marked by everyone and can do nothing to regain spiritual acceptance throughout the Worldwide Congregation of JWs. She's lost forever and not one JW will ever buy one of her expensive handbags/bookbags because she tried to bring the big guy down.

    Elder Clinton, yeppy he has all the right moves.


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