October 15, 2012 Watchtower now on jw.org

by sd-7 31 Replies latest jw friends

  • minimus

    UC, it's probably a made up story.

  • MidwichCuckoo
    There's a cool story in there about how a ministerial servant got deleted for playing violent video games, and then wrote to the branch office about it and told people in his congregation.

    Lol - wouldn't it be fun if ''Sparlock'' was released as an xbox/PS3/'video' game..?

  • straightshooter

    The WTS can condemn the "world" for injustice and that it will be corrected by Gods Kingdom. But injustices within the cong should be swept under the carpet and forgotten. Elders that make mistakes can be detrimental to the victims. It is an injustice to allow such to happen. I know of an elder and ms who were removed for playing "violent" online video games. Now the new circuit overseer feels that this was wrong. The views of right and wrong often times changes with the circuit overseer.

  • undercover

    it's probably a made up story.

    They had pictures and everything...

    I don't doubt that the four guys were life long friends. I doubt it was all fun and games as they made out though. Now that they're old farts, they're reliving the past and focusing on the good times they had and have probably forgotten how Ramon stole Bill's girlfriend, or how Lowell 'borrowed' Richard's car and wrecked it. Shit like that...

  • baltar447

    9 A Christian’s spirit may also be tested if he is corrected or is relieved of privileges in the congregation. One young brother was tactfully counseled by the elders about playing violent video games. Sadly, he did not receive the counsel well and had to be deleted as a ministerial servant because he no longer met the Scriptural quali?cations. (Ps. 11:5; 1 Tim. 3:8-10) Afterward, the brother made it widely known that he did not agree, repeatedly writing letters critical of the elders to the branch office and even in?uencing others in the congregation to do the same. It is really counterproductive, though, for us to jeopardize the peace of the entire congregation in an attempt to justify our actions. How much better to view reproof as a way to open our eyes to see weaknesses that we were not aware of and then quietly accept the correction.—Read Lamentations 3:28, 29.

  • 00DAD

    "How much better to view reproof as a way to open our eyes to see weaknesses that we were not aware of and then quietly accept the correction." - p. 14, para. 9

    Why is it always US that has to "view reproof as a way to open our eyes to see weaknesses that we were not aware of" and never THEM?

    Why is it always US that has to "quietly accept the correction" and never THEM?

    Hypocrites, cowards, bastards.

  • sd-7
    How much better to view reproof as a way to open our eyes to see weaknesses that we were not aware of and then quietly accept the correction.

    This would be Watchtower-speak for, to quote Dwayne 'The Rock' Johnson, "KNOW YOUR ROLE, AND SHUT YOUR MOUTH!"


  • sd-7
    It is really counterproductive, though, for us to jeopardize the peace of the entire congregation in an attempt to justify our actions.

    I wonder if the Society realized that after berating people for 'reading too much into' all that talk about 1975? This is a good example of accusing other people of what they are guilty of--common propaganda technique.


  • sd-7
    Elders may make mistakes that affect us personally. If that happens, how inappropriate it would be for any member of the congregation to react according to the world’s spirit, vehemently demanding “justice”

    Because of course, only wicked people care about little things like "justice". Or "basic human rights". Or "not being abused".

    But doesn't the Society maintain a rather vigorous Legal Department to make sure that THEY get "justice", even if they have to DEMAND it?


  • LostGeneration

    Sounds like another "sit down and shut up" magazine.

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